Member Since 12 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Jun 19 2013 10:41 PM
About Me
Hmm theres nothing much about me.
1. I'm a guy, as you can clearly see on the sidebar.
2. I can play basic piano (something more difficult requires more time)
3. I LOVE SOSHI (which is y i joined this forum)
4. I'm 5'11
5. You can usually find me in sbox
6. I have no favorite member (they're all my favourite ^^)
7. My singing isn't great, but not horrible either.
8. AYCE in my point of view is the best choice of dinner.
9. Going to start learning Korean as soon as vacation starts
10. Just for the people wondering, I'm chinese or otherwise known in Canada as CBC (Canadian born Chinese)
1. I'm a guy, as you can clearly see on the sidebar.
2. I can play basic piano (something more difficult requires more time)
3. I LOVE SOSHI (which is y i joined this forum)
4. I'm 5'11
5. You can usually find me in sbox
6. I have no favorite member (they're all my favourite ^^)
7. My singing isn't great, but not horrible either.
8. AYCE in my point of view is the best choice of dinner.
9. Going to start learning Korean as soon as vacation starts
10. Just for the people wondering, I'm chinese or otherwise known in Canada as CBC (Canadian born Chinese)
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 78
- Profile Views 5055
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday July 31, 1990
Vancouver, Canada
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Canada (CA)