Member Since 12 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Private
About Me
I am dorky like Taeyeon,
bright like Sunny,
shikshin like Sooyoung,
quiet like Seohyun,
cold on the outside like Jessica,
warm and caring on the inside like Tiffany,
outgoing like Yoona,
and humorous like Hyoyeon.
I just need Yuri to complete my SNSD-ness in life.
bright like Sunny,
shikshin like Sooyoung,
quiet like Seohyun,
cold on the outside like Jessica,
warm and caring on the inside like Tiffany,
outgoing like Yoona,
and humorous like Hyoyeon.
I just need Yuri to complete my SNSD-ness in life.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 406
- Profile Views 10113
- Member Title Yurisistable~
- Age 37 years old
- Birthday June 22, 1987
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Hong Kong (HK)