Member Since 03 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Sep 21 2014 02:04 AM
About Me
How did I get to be into K-pop and love SNSD...
- Really, It wasnt on my mind that I would be so into K-pop... cause mostly, my friends are into RnB and Hip-Hop from the west. It was during my 4th year in High School that I saw SNSD's Genie MV at my friends house who was a fan... She was definitely a fan girl... As I was watching... I, being the usual guy, got hook cause obviously these girls were beautiful... I asked her, my friend, who they were and she told me more than what I asked. I streamed their MV on the net when I got home and before I knew it, I was watching kor. variety shows in which they were guests. And that's how I got to know KPOP and love SNSD.. ^^
- Really, It wasnt on my mind that I would be so into K-pop... cause mostly, my friends are into RnB and Hip-Hop from the west. It was during my 4th year in High School that I saw SNSD's Genie MV at my friends house who was a fan... She was definitely a fan girl... As I was watching... I, being the usual guy, got hook cause obviously these girls were beautiful... I asked her, my friend, who they were and she told me more than what I asked. I streamed their MV on the net when I got home and before I knew it, I was watching kor. variety shows in which they were guests. And that's how I got to know KPOP and love SNSD.. ^^
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