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Member Since 06 Sep 2009
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About Me

Hi!!Hello!!Annyong!!Ni Hao!!Hola!!

Nickname: Yadz

Motto: "whatever it is that you do, don't become obsessed with it.."

Languages: (fluent) Filipino and English, (basic) Mandarin, Spanish and Korean.. kekeke

DOB: June 1988

Homeplace : Philippines

Height: 5'6" / 5'7"

Weight: 127lbs

Blood Type: 'O'

School: SBC - Manila (Graduate)

Hobbies : net surfing(soshified hehe), badminton, volleyball, swimming, reading books, listening music & watching movies or TV...

Interests: SNSD (of course, girls' generation).. sleeping... gadgets, accessories, dancing, photography, digital arts, movies & music...

Favorite SNSD Member: Taeyeon(my 1st favorite), then Jessica & Tiffany..(JeTi)kekeke..then after few days Yoona, Yuri, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon & Sunny..In short they're all my favorites..it won't be SNSD if it's only 1..it's 9 or nothing!! SNSD ♥!!

Favorite SNSD Song: "Into the New World"(debut song of course) and also "Complete"..

Fan of SNSD since: not sure when but i started listening to their song since feb. 2009 but not yet totally into them that time..

How I found out about SNSD: i was looking for a certain korean movie or kpop song (can't really remember) in youtube but i found their gee MV instead..and that's it..

The reason why I like SNSD: they're young yet they're all talented..also they're charming even in simple way..they're great dancers (and i'm into dancing) so i really like them..they're all soo cool and funny in their variety shows..everytime i watch them, they made me laugh and even smile while watching their performances..and that's why i love watching their shows even the fanmade..coz' through fanmade vids, i even get to know them more and like them more..

SNSD forever!!!

Hwaiting!!! Posted Image

Community Stats

  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 1341
  • Profile Views 6916
  • Member Title cookies & cream
  • Age 36 years old
  • Birthday June 13, 1988
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
  • Interests
    sleeping... gadgets, accessories, dancing, photography, digital arts, music & SNSD (of course,soshi)
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Philippines (PH)

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