HB 09:
05/08/09 Mid-after noon:
The dream comes true
Well Friday, I arrived at the Wilshire to find Soy and amazing her SoYuri Jjang signâ?¦ I went up to my room and changed after checking in and then came down to chill with the other soshified members in the Lobby. A little while later of meaningless chat, someone spotted SeoHyun, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Sunny and TaeYeon. (I think it was ketchupcool

Afternoon pass by: The quick English lesson
I read out loud Soyâ??s poster to Yul as she was going down the escalator for the HB practice rehearsal. It was pretty funny, I was reading it really loudly like I was teaching a pre-schooler how to read, but I guess she only noticed her butt in the picture and laughed. <3 ssica came out a little afterwards and posed for one pictureâ?¦ even though kookie manager was not letting people get through.
Friday night: The random bump
I randomly ran into Jessica at night and she signed my shirt, I told her how much I loved her and asked about her other lover (refers to fany) but it was a joke so she didnâ??t reply ^^â??â??
Ssica was wearing a black outfit and some silver flats. She said something to her manager like "are we going now?" *not sure didn't hear very clearly* in Korean and I guess she didn't notice us until Soy was like.. " We just dropped off soshified presents." Ssica was surprised and grateful, but when I asked her to sign my S♥NE shirt, she was like *wtf* O_O "Are you kidding?"-Ssica. And i was like "no~" *points to soshified. then she did her sigs and walked with her manager to the elevator. The best part of this was how every few steps.. she would lean against the wall or stop to show off her new silver flats that she had just gotten or something. She would be like 'Oppa look at my shoes~!!' She did half a little twirl thingy with her feet. It was uberly Cute. <3

05/09/09 Saturday Morning
Morning: the super great timing
I went to go work out that morning in the hotel gym, (idkâ?¦) and when I came into the lobby.. people told me that they saw fany come up the escalator into their room but she didnâ??t sign anything because they said that she was gonna come back down later after she puts up her bags. So I stuck around, for a little while, but then I was really frustrated at myself so missing her, so I was about to go back up to my room. As I was walking to the elevatorâ?¦. A door open and a familiar sexy back appeared. Lmao. Then I saw Soy come down from elevator too (2x good timing) lmao.. so Soy gave me her cd and I asked fany for a sig to soshified. She was so cute and nice and skinny >.< her guy friends were HOT! (=
Reference to this: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=LREx35y0SdA credits to the uploader-telethrow
You can see me in the white tank topâ?¦ only becauseâ?¦. I was â?¦. Stunned by her beauty. <3333 sheâ??s so freaking amazing and considerate. I love her.
At night: HB 09 concert.
The concert was awesome, I loved their performance. Fany saw my sign and smiled and waved at me ^^. Yul saw Soyâ??s sign because I was holding it since soy was videocamming. X) but none the less, we had good responses. I Ran over some people and during ssicaâ??s duetâ?¦ I jumped over some chairs, avoided running into certain people *ahem* ^^;;;; You can see my big yellow poster. You can see me running and waving to the song from ssicaâ??s duet. Sorry for everyone who suffered from my sign! Sorry sorry sorry sorry~~~~~~~~~~
But what sucked was that sm artists didnâ??t perform the last final call. That was gay. Iâ??m still a little agitated by it.


but I'm sure everyone is probably familiar with the back by now __ __
Hereâ??s my obnoxious sign in fancams:
http://www.youtube.c...feature=related credit to: smackie83
http://www.youtube.c...feature=related credit to: erionzazu
yea seriously.. my bad.
05/10/09 Sunday:
The morning after the concert
Woke up, ate breakfast at the executive floor. Then I went down to the main lobby is see if any soshified members were there. Lmao-obviously it was the hang out place during HB. I saw Jonah and holly and I think jennie, Angela too I believe. (Iâ??m horrible with names.) and then Jonah told me that Hyo and Yul went in to that restaurant at the hotel next to the gift shop. I had just met up with Soy, but I didnâ??t bring my wallet so Soy ran up to the 16th floor to get her wallet.beautiful We went inside and the hostess left us at a booth directly across from yulâ??s table. Since I already ateâ?¦ I just walked around the restaurant looking for little stuff to put on my plate. Soy said that she was really nervous and so she went to the restroom, I forgot if this was before or after getting their sigs, but either way, she did. I got Hyoâ??s sig and asked her â??UhJeh Concertue chaemiissuhsaeyo?â??- roughly translated as â??was the concert yesterday fun?â?? At first she was like.. O_O;; cuz my pronounciation wasnâ??t very greatâ?¦ I was too nervous >< as well as not being a native speaker. Lmao. But she none the less replied quite enthusiastically â??ah~â?¦ neh nehâ?? then after Yul gave soy her sig. she literally ran out of their with Hyo and we were shouting â??you guys were great last night!â? and Hyo said â??Thank You!â?? I forgot if Yul said something or not. Oh yea I got Hyoâ??s sig too. Lmaoâ?¦ poor girl, she was lost the whole trip at the hotel <3 by that time Soy went to the restroom and apparently met with Fany and when I went outside to find her.. I FREAKING SAW HER SITTING ON THE COUCHES BEHIND A POST TALKING TO FANY!!!.... they stood up when I came over.. and fany gave us each a hug. Roflmao. Soy was like â??oh yea.. and this is like your biggest fan.â? BC I was speechless.. she was soooo <3 like.. omg.. sheâ??s so tiny and skinny and AMAZING!! >.< ok.. and then.. she was like â??oh heyâ?¦ yea I forgot to give you my signature yesterday.â? (omg omg omg oomg ommg) lmaoâ?¦ cuz I saw her last night before the conert in the garage with her friends. And so she gave me her sig. lmao.. we took one picture, some convo was exchanged and she gave me a hug



This is a pic of a pic so it's uberly LQ. I was super tired that morning.. since we got home late from the concert.. so my face = #_# ... but it's ok.. fany's hottness makes up for it:
Oh yea and We saw ssica again before she left for SanFran.. she signed my poster. I asked her if she liked her picture and she was like, "Nooo~" *covers picture. But then she took like 2 seconds to read the poster and signed it <3. She also held my hand because Drew asked her to sign his shoe and she was like..


Iâ??m pretty sure Iâ??m missing some things BUT.. these were the most I could remember from my eventful weekend <3 refer to Soyâ??s account for more clarifications? Since I was practically with her most of the time.