f ii s h y ☆
Member Since 06 Aug 2009Offline Last Active Private
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kyungsoo → f ii s h y ☆
OMG THIS IS IRRELEVANT BUT LOOK AT YOUR OLD POST ;AAA; http://soshified.com/forums/topic/4851-snsd-super-junior-super-generation/page__st__11780__p__4551727#entry4551727

kyungsoo → f ii s h y ☆
A yoonaddict that is an icefishie? Lol it's kinda rare~ XD

mingying → f ii s h y ☆
Omo! I never knew you're a Yoonaddict, I thought you would be a Gorjess Spazzer. XDD

SAPPHiREDREAMs → f ii s h y ☆
HI JAY. I realized I've never commented on your profile. TROLOLOL~

f ii s h y ☆ → Xeraphin
Orly? Bring it. I will bring all my boys out!!!111 >:"|