Member Since 25 Jul 2009Offline Last Active May 31 2012 06:53 PM
About Me
Ethnicity: Korean-American (living in the U.S.)
(Major) bias: Jessica, no doubt about it. I-I can't explain it :I
Interests (other thanSica SNSD, obviously): recently noraebang, shoes, mockumentary-based TV shows, ugh I have so many I don't feel like typing it - maybe later /false commitment)
Just something meaningful:
SNSD is probably my first true Kpop love.
I really owe it to them for opening my eyes to pretty much all of Korean music in general and just simply making me more aware of Korean culture - something everyone else thought I was pretty much losing. Now I've come to appreciate everything Korean, though I can't say I agree with everything that's been recently happening there... But I'm making it my mission to read and speak extremely fluently (Now if only I can magically get rid of my thick American accent...)
(Major) bias: Jessica, no doubt about it. I-I can't explain it :I
Interests (other than
Just something meaningful:
SNSD is probably my first true Kpop love.
I really owe it to them for opening my eyes to pretty much all of Korean music in general and just simply making me more aware of Korean culture - something everyone else thought I was pretty much losing. Now I've come to appreciate everything Korean, though I can't say I agree with everything that's been recently happening there... But I'm making it my mission to read and speak extremely fluently (Now if only I can magically get rid of my thick American accent...)
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 89
- Profile Views 3813
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday January 18, 1993
Not Telling
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
United States (US)