Member Since 03 Aug 2013Offline Last Active Private
About Me
WARNING: Following content may bore you. Read with precaution
An introduction to the person called ALYSSA B
A weird human being with a mind from outer space who can stay awake for 2 days. Lives, laughs, loves and falls 5 centimeters per second. Trudges through earth for inspiration and reason. Has a lot of unanswered questions inside her head. Thinks of twitter as her personal diary and keeps complaining about the 140 character maximum of the social application. Can act like a 5 year old, and switch into a complete wise Yoda in a matter of seconds. Often called 'bipolar' but sticks with the definition of being 'weird'
She's born on the 22nd of June in the year 1996(yes she shares the same birth date with Lee Minho). Shares the same blood type with her bias Miyoung. Prefers the cold weather. She lacks in height (Alyssa B: What do you mean by that?!) and pops up outta nowhere like a ghost. She's often times mistaken as a high maintenance kind of girl for because of her love for bags and shoes. But she's down to earth and prefers eating dried fish than those things they serve in socialite events.
She prefers being alone ever since she was born. But she would be touched and happy if you'd like to be friends with her. People from school are afraid of her since she sorta looks 'maldita', even her teacher referred to her as that during their retreats.
Can sleep anywhere(prefers the couch) and gobble up sweets(specifically ice cakes) in a mater of seconds. Gets distracted by the person named TIFFANY HWANG easily. She is in love with the comic series called "Calvin & Hobbes" and is a huge fan of Hayao Miyazaki and the rest of the studio Ghibli works. She's also into anime.
She can often times be found inside Starbucks(in her area of course) most of the time or if not, she might be sleeping anywhere. Or she might be unable to hear because of the loud sound blasting through her headphones while listening to music. Or could be inside her cave doing sketches, doodles, drawings, edits or might be writing a story. Tries out stuff with photoshop and if words crowd her mind, she results to writing stories which can take months to be updated.
If she has time, she might be playing the guitar, piano, or violin or would just be singing in a totally out of tune way. Resorts to composing lyrics and songs which would either end up in her trashcan or the recycle bin of her laptop.
Sometimes she might be found staring blankly in space like an idiot. But I must warn you for she might be thinking of something deep which may sound ridiculous to others.
Loves watching movies and can somehow predict the story line(How? I don't know either). Tries to look for the real meaning of the story for she believes that every single story has a real deep meaning in it(not unless it is written for fun only). She also loves watching musicals and anything broadway.
Is part of a multitude of fandoms (Queen's, Star1's, Kamilias, SONES and Lovatics to name a few. She's also a fan of Girl's Day and Bumkey). Is huge a fan of Kim Yerim(seriously, who doesn't like her voice?). Continues to discover beautiful indie music in different genres.
Sometimes she walks the earth together with her camera to take photos of anything she would find interesting. She can't live without her camera, if she doesn't have it with her she resorts to her phone which she often times want to throw for having such low quality.
I have more to tell about her but I will stop here since I don't want to bore you or maybe since some of you who were reading already fell asleep halfway through.
I shall end it here and thank you for sticking with me till the last word.
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 57
- Profile Views 3011
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 28 years old
- Birthday June 22, 1996
Drawing(sketching and stuff), food, ice cream,a warm cup of latte or hot coco, sleep, music and staring at the ocean or the sky.
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