Member Since 05 Jul 2009Offline Last Active Oct 09 2015 10:19 AM
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Koozaza → Numbah1Fan
I've been busy too, that's why my updating has been horrible. My past two semesters haven't been fun, but when is school fun, lol. I'm gonna try to work though cause I don't like leaving everyone hanging on the story.

Numbah1Fan → Koozaza
hey man! i haven't been fanning as much...actually at all. Too busy...good to see you though. I pretty much log in to follow ur story, but it's been a while for you been?

Koozaza → Numbah1Fan
Howzit long time to talk, lol. I couldn't pm you that the next chapter is up, I've been having trouble getting everyone on the same pm for the past couple of chapters. Anyway here's the link.

Numbah1Fan → aienbest
erm, aien, waht's your newest account on youtube? I felt like watching the JeTI moments u captured and i can't find them.

Maskie → Numbah1Fan
Hey! I know this is random. But I stumbled into your Signature. I really like it! Especially Tiffany in that. I was wondering,if I could take Tiffany into my signature. :D I would credit you. Or should I credit Ajae2600? If that is possible, please respond. :D

Numbah1Fan → AmeTenko
man the RDR layout is sexy but frustrating. It feels like i'm thrown into a foreign land and just clicking around...
i'll find some way to read your fic...
i'll find some way to read your fic...