Member Since 02 May 2013Offline Last Active Jan 04 2023 04:27 AM
About Me
I Love all of them cause.. They ROCK my world!! LOLxxxx
At first, I thought of girl groups as ladies who only know how to be beautiful and sexy
but SNSD changed my perception about it and made me think that I was wrong..
and I was like..
"ooh~ So SNSD was different! I was so freaking blinded.. What a fool of me!"
I watched some of their variety shows (GGTS, Hello Baby, Dangerous Boys, etc.)
and variety shows which they have participated (Intimate Note, Running Man, Strong Heart, etc.)
Those shows made me know them better...
It made me like them even more and it slowly made me realize that I already had my Bias among them..
Guess Who?
oh yeah well..
My bias is TaeYeon ------------
I see TaeYeon as a person who is smart, responsible and mysterious..
This lady for me, is the most unique of all!
She can be gorgeous, stunning, cool, irresistible, adorable, hot, sexy, MANLY, just name everything!!
She can be all of those at once!
but that's not the only reason why she's my bias..
TaeYeon is my ULTIMATE BIAS simply beause she is
Kim Tae Yeon
feel free to PM me I love to have new friends
and by the way...
"Having known Girls' Generation happened for a reason. It's not just a coincidence, nor any usual occurrence. It was all meant to be; Being a SONE was truly meant for me."
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 312
- Profile Views 8704
- Member Title SoShiTaeng's Forever
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday September 9
Taeyeon's Subconcious Mind
dancing, singing, performing arts
things about SNSD
everything about Taeyeon -
Favorite SoShi Member
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Philippines (PH)