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Member Since 02 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 07 2014 08:52 PM
I haven't posted something in SSF for so long! I was never really too keen on forums ;-_- Updated 03 Aug · 0 comments

About Me

Hello there fellow S♥nes! I've finally got around to actually putting something in this "About Me" space after about two years. AWESOME! Ahem, well let's see...

I've been a proud 소녀시대 S♥ne since August 1, 2007.

I remember all the OMG JESSICA DATED SO-AND-SO wank beforehand, but I ignored it. A little after that I saw there released group picture (the white one) and stumbled upon their music video unknowingly on the day it was released. It was honestly love at first sight. 다시 만난 세계 is still to this day my favorite SNSD music video.

Being a usual fan of girl groups (I was a huge Hello!Project fan at the time) I immediately took a liking to them. I thought they were all so beautiful and relatable and 'Oh, I wish you were my older sister' and 'Oh, I wish you were my friend' kind of stuff, haha. I am drawn to girls groups because I'm a girl and I can relate, so that's exactly what happened. I was drawn to them by their talent and later their personalities and charms (Girls' Go to School!). I didn't know then, but I know that my love for them was genuine and pure from the first time I saw them. Haha, unlike my love for boy idols ;p

I don't find myself to be a good fan as I don't always participate in SSF projects (I've never been too keen on forums :/). There have been times where I hadn't kept up with them as much as I would have liked to because of other things in my life and other fandoms (I am a horrible multi-tasker when it comes to fandoms!), but they're always my #1.

I honestly love each and every one of these girls with the bottom of my heart. It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but there was a time in my life when I was absolutely depressed and miserable, but I remembered what these girls have gone through... and seeing their bright faces and cheerful personalities, hearing their cheerful songs, watching them shine... Makes me genuinely happy. It sounds kind of pathetic now that I hear it, but it's true. These girls can always lift my spirits and I am forever thankful. From now on I will work harder to become a better fan.

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My first Soshi ♥ was our Prettier than Flowers/Deer/Alligator Laugh YoonA~Posted Image
I switch favorites very often, so it's hard to choose a favorite member. But out of everyone, I have the most respect for Jessica. I admire her for her strong character and all that she's been through. Haha, I wrote an essay on her (among the other girls) for school as to why I admire her so much. I can say that Jessica Jung is one of my most favorite people (wow that's awkward English) in the entire world.

This is my favorite SNSD group picture:
Posted Image

I don't want this about me to get too crowded, but while we're speaking of favorites, I guess why not put my favorite pictures of the members up, right?


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  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 158
  • Profile Views 4475
  • Member Title SoshiStruck
  • Age 31 years old
  • Birthday March 17, 1993
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
    Southern CA, USA
  • Interests
    I'm a huge theatre nut! Classical theatre, musicals anything! I particularly enjoy the Prince of Tennis musicals. I also enjoy video games quite a bit, my favorite games include the Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy series among others. I'm a big fan of all the Victoria's Secret Angels and some other random models too.
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    United States (US)

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