Member Since 25 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Jul 27 2011 09:31 AM
long time no check-in ... because of my thesis >.< .. how are you guys? :))
Updated 16 Apr · 0 comments
About Me
My FamiLy TRee
THe DEad FamILy
Grandpa = TaeShi
Grandma = Jesa / jesamg17
Son = DeadHungry
Son = DeadMan
Son = Japz / ???japzloveyoona??? (Me)
Daughter = Nellie / nelliegee
Daughter-In-Law = Efelle / fanyfanytiffany96 (Wife of DHungry)
Daughter-In-Law = AngelWin (DMan's Wife)
Grandchild = Nick / Nicktanks
Grandchild = Piido (DMan's Son)
Grandchild = Kester (DHungry's Son)
Grandchild = Up and Down (DHungry's Son)
Grandchild = Yang
Grandchild = Sunshiner (Dman Daughter)
Grandchild = Coke (Dman's lovely Daugther)
Grandchild-In-Law = Yoga (Coke's Husband)
Grandchild-In-Law = Aime (Nick's Wife)
GreatGrandchild = LovesYulSic (Coke's Adopted Son)
GreatGrandchild = Soshitic (Coke's Daughter)
BodyGuard = Artica
BodyGuard = Sica's Toast d(._.d)
Musician = Melodix
Butler = TaeSicaFany
Recruiter = BunBun
Guardian = MrYojimbo
THe DEad FamILy
Grandpa = TaeShi
Grandma = Jesa / jesamg17
Son = DeadHungry
Son = DeadMan
Son = Japz / ???japzloveyoona??? (Me)
Daughter = Nellie / nelliegee
Daughter-In-Law = Efelle / fanyfanytiffany96 (Wife of DHungry)
Daughter-In-Law = AngelWin (DMan's Wife)
Grandchild = Nick / Nicktanks
Grandchild = Piido (DMan's Son)
Grandchild = Kester (DHungry's Son)
Grandchild = Up and Down (DHungry's Son)
Grandchild = Yang
Grandchild = Sunshiner (Dman Daughter)
Grandchild = Coke (Dman's lovely Daugther)
Grandchild-In-Law = Yoga (Coke's Husband)
Grandchild-In-Law = Aime (Nick's Wife)
GreatGrandchild = LovesYulSic (Coke's Adopted Son)
GreatGrandchild = Soshitic (Coke's Daughter)
BodyGuard = Artica
BodyGuard = Sica's Toast d(._.d)
Musician = Melodix
Butler = TaeSicaFany
Recruiter = BunBun
Guardian = MrYojimbo
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 30
- Profile Views 3580
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday May 3, 1991
^_^ .,. i Love playing Guitar .,. singing , dancing .,. i play Basketball, chess ..^_^ .. im a music lover person ...
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Philippines (PH)