Member Since 11 Mar 2013Offline Last Active Jan 10 2016 08:04 PM
About Me
let's make it simple, shall we?
My life changed the day I fell in love with SNSD.
I have never ever became a fan of any kind of group until I literally fall in love with them and literally follow their story everyday.
I bought albums, but I have never became a collector until I met this 9 angels.
People around me asked : How come you suddenly like SNSD?
I just answered : I fell in love. what else could it be?
I love every single one of them. I wouldn't want any of them to not be inside SNSD.
and I love them as who they are. ^o^
ok that was to serious~ XD
Fav. 3 members ( I still have biases )
1. JESSICA (My ultimate bias)
2. YOONA (fell for her after seeing how she treats , see NO.1)
3. SOOYOUNG (because she is what she is. her bluntness and fanservice weakened my heart)
and A HYPER , Loyal, etc etc of YOONSICRETIVE!
My one and only soshipairing
Yoonsicretives HYPER Family list :
1. Yoonatse
2. Karlacaste 07
3. Cynscere
4. Yoongie♥Jam
5. Black Hawk
6. Af94
7. snsd^loveyou
8. iljtty1890
9. Kissica
10. SweetPati
11. Soshikiddo
12. Curiousity
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 208
- Profile Views 4406
- Member Title YoonSicretive Hyper Spazzer
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Not Telling
Jakarta, Indonesia
Broadcasting, badminton, music, singing, online games.
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Indonesia (ID)