Member Since 03 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Oct 24 2015 05:22 PM
About Me
Hi there! I'm Jordan, 18 from the UK nice to meet you
I'm currently at LJMU University doing Computer Games Development.
I love fantasy themed movies/games/everything especially Lord Of The Rings and Final Fantasy.
I'm a gamer and play PC and occasionaly Xbox 360 (You can never get enough of halo 3)
I love Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad they're like the best TV shows ever if you don't watch them already go do it now, seriously they're amazing.
I can't decide between Yoona or Sooyoung (or Jessica but shhh that's top secret) as my bias Help they're so perfect!. I recently finished Love Rain, it was amazing! Yoona is so good in it! And yes, i'm ashamed to admit i did cry like a baby. Planning to start on Fashion King next!
Update a year later: I still am intending to finish fashion king
My favourite song is by SNSD is either Gee IGAB or Mr Mr, but i love pretty much all of their songs you can never get enough snsd...EVER!
If you have any questions feel free to message me, i reply to everyone so don't be shy!
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 204
- Profile Views 4772
- Member Title SooNaAddict
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday August 24, 1995
Music: 2Yoon, 4Minute, Baby Metal, Breaking Benjamin, Bullet For My Valentine,G.NA, Henry, Hyuna, Kiss & Cry, M4M, Muse, Queen, SNSD, Spica, Tenacious D,Three Days Grace, Trouble Maker
TV: Arrow, An Idiot Abroad, Battlestar Galactica Breaking Bad, Game of thrones, Heroes, Life On Mars (UK) , Lost, Love Rain, Misfits, Prison Break, Sherlock, Stargate SG-1, Skins (UK), Supernatural (Season 1-5), The Inbetweeners (UK), True Blood, Wallace And Gromit
Anime: Accel World, Death Note, Dragonball Z, Deadman Wonderland, Evangelion, FMA:Brotherhoood, Gurren Lagann, Naruto, When They Cry,
Movies: 28 Days Later, A Fistful Of Dollars, Alien, Aliens, American History X, American Psycho, Death Note, Fight Club, LOTR, Saving Private Ryan, Se7en, Toy Story, Terminator, Terminator 2, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Matrix, Slumdog Millionaire, Star Wars, V For Vendetta
General: Creepy Pasta, Holland Pies, ICT, Xbox 360, Fighting crime to keep my city safe, because i'm the hero Manchster deserves, but not the one it needs right now
Top Games:
Arkham Series
Final Fantasy XIII series
Metal Gear Solid
Super Meat Boy
The Walking Dead Game
Totally normal human dad simulator (Who is not an octopus)
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