Member Since 03 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Aug 07 2013 01:13 AM
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Jessica's and Krystal's version of "Tik Tok" is better than Kesha's version ♥

Happy Birthday our dear, KWON YURI ♥♥ We love you from the bottom of our heart.

Is really interesting, that S♥NEs have own forum, where they can talks for other S♥NEs. It's very very nice, that we have possibility for it. So thanks for SoShifield, and of course S♥NEs ! S♥NEs is like family, who never destroyed !!

Can someone tell me, how i upload picture in my gallery ? I know i'm stupid :D

i never tried it, but i think u go to the "artwork" threads then u "start new topic" button. i think u need certain number of post tho
Dec 05 2012 07:48 AM