Member Since 30 Nov 2012Offline Last Active May 01 2015 09:14 PM
About Me
My birth name is Samuel Kee Zhi Qin. (Kee is my surname, Zhi Qin is my chinese name.)
My friends call me Samuel Kee or simply Sam. Some people call me by my codename in games which is my initials - S.K.
I have a new nickname in the Army called Cauliflower thanks to some ridiculous occurrence which I don't wanna talk about. My Army mates call me Cauli which is the first two syllables of "Cauliflower" so I would respond if someone call me Cauli or Colly (Preferred).
I was born on 1993-12-14, same birthday as my bias in Hello Venus - Yoonjo. She is a 1992 baby though.
My height is 175cm and my weight is 86kg. (Heavy bones, please don't think of me as an obese.)
I am an Asian - Singaporean Chinese. I understand English, Chinese, Chinese dialects, Malay and a little bit of Korean. I can read / write Korean and actually understands 60% of any raw Korean shows. Korean is pretty much like a dialect of Chinese to be honest. My Chinese background aided me in learning Korean.
I have a Korean friend who came to Singapore to study but she went back to Busan. We still contact each other through Kakaotalk. She taught me Korean but lack in knowledge of the Formal and Informal language makes me awkward when it comes to actual conversation.
I am hopelessly in love with Raina.
Raina is the only one capable of making me scream like a girl with just the slightest wink or weakest smile. (The high pitched screaming will usually be followed by a "Pillowpalm". - Read below.)
I am equally hopeless in being in love with After School.
I am seriously in love with Son Dam Bi right now. She is like the hottest woman, ever. (She stole my heart from Sunny once during dB Rider era when I was still a Sone, but luckily, the mixed feelings went away. Now she is back to steal my heart again. Raina, I will be strong. Edit - Yeah! The mixed feelings went away before I could even cheat on Raina hehe.)
I love everyone else in Pledis Family too, I find warmth in it.
I am a dude but I love the color Pink.
I am 19 but I love stuffing my face into my pillow, I call it "Pillowpalm". I always do this whenever I got "killed" by an extreme amount of cuteness.
I have a soft spot for Cuteness and Aegyo.
I love girls with Chubby cheeks and a little bit of baby fats. (Raina is the perfect example of my ideal type.)
I prefer Cute over Pretty or Sexy.
I totally ship Jooyeon + Uee (The Secret Lovers). They are the Sweetest and Cutest couple ever, it was as though they were a pair made in heaven, they were meant for each other. My One True Pairing.
I ship Nana + Lizzy as well, they seemed very real. Perhaps a real couple? They were always checking out each others' body. Looking at each other and smiling shyly whenever their eyes meet.
I know this sounds outrageous, but I am from the Choir and I am Tenor with a bit of Bass because our Bass is kind of weak, my conductor asked me to help them. I had always wanted to be in Alto, but obviously I can't because I'm a dude. I love Jooyeon's voice, which is just like Alto's. To be honest, I loved her voice the most. Even though she have the least lines, her voice is low-pitched, beautiful and calming.
My favorite genre was Korean Hip-Hop (Outsider, Dynamic Duo, Mighty Mouth, Curious, KeiKei, LMNOP, Defconn, LeeSSang, T-YoonMiRae (Tasha), Tiger JK etc.) because I love to rap but obviously every Korean music fan will follow an idol group.
I started out as a Sone back in 2008 February. My bias in Girls' Generation was Sunny.
I started noticing After School when Raina and Nana debuted with "Because of You" in 2009 November as I find Raina Cute. Was an Unofficial Playboyz from then till 2011 May when Raina finally took over Sunny's place in my heart during Shampoo era and I became an Official Playboyz.
Unofficial Playboyz meaning I went and did some research on After School. Learn about the members, history, concept, listened to all their songs and follow up on their latest news but my heart was still with Girls' Generation.
Official Sone : 2008 February (Kissing You era) - 2011 May (Mr. Taxi - Japan ver. era) (3 Years 3 Months)
Unofficial Playboyz : 2009 November (Because of You era) - 2011 May (Shampoo era) (1 Year 6 Months)
Official Playboyz : 2011 May (Shampoo era) - ??? (1 Year 7 Months and counting.)
My Dramatic Story -
Technically I knew After School from the day of their debut because I had been watching music shows every week ever since I became a Sone or came to know about Korean music.
One fine day, After School just popped out on my screen with their debut stage and I was like... Hmm that girl (Soyoung) was pretty cute, I didn't know their names back then but like I said, I have a fetish for chubby and cute girls. Soyoung was obviously one, so I followed up on their performances every week till the end of their Diva performance (There doesn't seem to be any break between Ah! and Diva).
There was a long hiatus after their last Diva stage and I gradually forgot about them. Until "Because of You" era, when their name came back on my screen. This time the cute girl (Soyoung) was gone but there was a cuter girl (Raina) that simply captured my heart.
I started searching them up and became an Unofficial Playboyz. I felt my heart quivering as Raina was exactly what my ideal type is. But the Sone in me was telling myself not to cheat on Sunny so I tried to forget about Raina. I tried pretty hard but I still can't shake her off my mind so I consulted my fellow Sone mates about this issue with Raina and of course, they were all firmly against me betraying Sunny...
But when Aing came out, Raina already won. It was my attachment to the Sone fandom that kept me with Sunny. I was totally addicted to Aing, especially Raina's Jirit Jirit Jirit Hage~! The "Trying to cast a spell" dance was too cute. The Sone in me was slowly diminishing and finally, after seeing Raina in Shampoo, the flames of Sone went out. I was like.. Screw this, Raina was what I need in my life.
The day after Shampoo comeback stage on Music Bank, I made a not so painful decision to leave the Sone fandom and became an Official Playboyz. I believe the decision I made was the correct one for me because my love for Raina only grew, it didn't waiver like how Sunny did when Raina was introduced to me. So far, I had seen a lot of cute girls that have the ability to kill me inside the K-Pop world but Raina was holding firm to my heart, I didn't doubt my love for her at all.
Now all my Sone friends hate me, just kidding, they still need me for their Soshi stuffs because it had been etched into my life. The habit of updating everything about Girls' Generation... Their latest performances, shows, magazine scans, commercials... EVERYTHING.
I have 6 terrabytes worth of Korean Idol stuffs. 3 terrabytes belonged to Girls' Generation. It's mostly .TP/.TS format performances which worth 500mb for a 3 minute video clip. I can printscreen my hard disk spaces and post it up if you guys think that this is ridiculous. Simply drop me a PM.
Edit - I didn't really went to count the amount of K-Pop stuffs I have when I said I have 6 terrabytes. I went to count earlier today and found out I only have 4.4 terrabytes. Still a terrifying amount...
Here is the link for those that think it's ridiculous -
I know I had been talking about Raina all this while but I am a true Playboyz. I love each and every After School member with all my heart. But, there's still two bias lists going on within me... Worse, there's a trio that kept messing up my bias list.
I have two bias lists - Cute and Pretty.
Cute List (From Cutest to Not The Cutest) -
1. Raina / 2. Lizzy / 3. Kaeun / 4. Jooyeon / 5. Uee / 6. Nana / 7. JungAh / 8. Eyoung
I actually find Lizzy cuter than Raina but I love Raina more. My heart entirely belonged to Raina.
(Edit - Now I find Raina the cutest for some enigmatic reasons. After all, she is my one love and ultimate bias.)
Pretty List (From Prettiest to Not The Prettiest) -
1. Jooyeon (?) Uee (?) Nana (?) / 2. Lizzy / 3. Kaeun / 4. JungAh / 5. Raina / 6. Eyoung
Jooyeon, Uee and Nana keep messing up my pretty list, I totally can't decide who is number 1, 2 or 3.
I usually find Jooyeon the prettiest but sometimes, Nana simply knock her off the champion spot and Uee will knock Nana off... And it repeats of course, Jooyeon will come back to the top again, vice versa. Which is why I feel so messed up.
I seemed to proof those who says "Once a Sone, always a Sone." wrong. Believe me, that was my motto for 3 years too. I was a true Sone, I loved every single member in Girls' Generation and supported them to the fullest. (Bought all their albums, calenders, photobooks and went to around 4 concerts. Always remembered to vote for them everyday whenever there are events like MAMA etc.) But sometimes, matters of the heart cannot be explained. After School stole my heart and now my motto became "Once a Playboyz, always a Playboyz." I believe this will be my motto till the end.
Change of Heart, Reversed Time and Old Feelings that Returned (Added on 2012-12-01) -
Lately, during Girls' Generation Oh! Japanese version and All My Love Is For You era. The sparks of Sone rekindled in me, I realised I still love them. Seems like the phrase "Once a Sone, always a Sone." is true after all. The feelings of being a Sone rushed through my body when I saw them again after so long. I just kept spazzing when I saw how cool and sexy Sunny was in All My Love Is For You music video, Tiffany and Jessica killed me too. Yoona killed me in Oh! Japanese version music video, when she winked while wearing a black framed spectacles. Taeyeon looked as beautiful as ever. But my bias in Girls' Generation may not be Sunny like it used to be nearly 2 years back. I got a feeling I will become a Gorjess, Jessica is kind of the main reason that brought me back to the Sone fandom. Her voice is truely beautiful, not to mention she herself is as beautiful. Maybe I will need some time to find out where my heart leads. I had decided to return to the Sone fandom on today 2012-12-01 but my main bias group is still After School.
Edit - Just like how After School have two bias lists, I had decided that Girls' Generation is gonna have two bias lists too. I will remain a Sunshiner because I realised Sunny is still the one that I loved the most in Girls' Generation. Jessica is just like Jooyeon, I find them to be the prettiest in their respective groups and I loved their voices the most.
Official Sone : 2008 February (Kissing You era) - 2011 May (Mr. Taxi - Japan ver. era) (3 Years 3 Months)
Official Sone : 2012 December (Flower Power era) - ??? (Returned after 1 Year 7 Months of leaving the Sone fandom.)
Unofficial Playboyz : 2009 November (Because of You era) - 2011 May (Shampoo era) (1 Year 6 Months)
Official Playboyz : 2011 May (Shampoo era) - ??? (1 Year 7 Months and counting.)
Like I said, I had been watching all the Music shows and there is this girl singer which I had been spazzing at ever since her debut, her name is Juniel. She have chubby cheeks and this expressionless face which I am in love with, not to mention she also have a totally beautiful voice. Right now, it's her Bad Man era. I gotta say I am totally addicted to that song. Here is a list of my Korean Idol biases (I have a lot but I will only include those that can really kill me in the list, in terms of ranking too.)
Girl Groups -
1. Orange Caramel / 2. After School / 3. Girls' Generation / 4. Hello Venus / 5. A-Pink / 6. Girls' Day
Solo Artists (Female) -
1. Son Dam Bi / 2. Juniel / 3. IU / 4. NS Yoonji / 5. Ailee
I am currently enlisted in the Army. I will only be online on weekends but on rare occasions I may be online on weekdays. I will always be online 24hours the moment I reach home, I have this bad habit of leaving my computer on even when I go out for a movie with friends.
Feel free to add me or anything, I need more Playgirlz and Playboyz friends to spazz about After School with. I got too many Sone friends.
Here are my social network details :
[email protected]
My birth name is Samuel Kee Zhi Qin. (Kee is my surname, Zhi Qin is my chinese name.)
My friends call me Samuel Kee or simply Sam. Some people call me by my codename in games which is my initials - S.K.
I have a new nickname in the Army called Cauliflower thanks to some ridiculous occurrence which I don't wanna talk about. My Army mates call me Cauli which is the first two syllables of "Cauliflower" so I would respond if someone call me Cauli or Colly (Preferred).
I was born on 1993-12-14, same birthday as my bias in Hello Venus - Yoonjo. She is a 1992 baby though.
My height is 175cm and my weight is 86kg. (Heavy bones, please don't think of me as an obese.)
I am an Asian - Singaporean Chinese. I understand English, Chinese, Chinese dialects, Malay and a little bit of Korean. I can read / write Korean and actually understands 60% of any raw Korean shows. Korean is pretty much like a dialect of Chinese to be honest. My Chinese background aided me in learning Korean.
I have a Korean friend who came to Singapore to study but she went back to Busan. We still contact each other through Kakaotalk. She taught me Korean but lack in knowledge of the Formal and Informal language makes me awkward when it comes to actual conversation.
I am hopelessly in love with Raina.
Raina is the only one capable of making me scream like a girl with just the slightest wink or weakest smile. (The high pitched screaming will usually be followed by a "Pillowpalm". - Read below.)
I am equally hopeless in being in love with After School.
I am seriously in love with Son Dam Bi right now. She is like the hottest woman, ever. (She stole my heart from Sunny once during dB Rider era when I was still a Sone, but luckily, the mixed feelings went away. Now she is back to steal my heart again. Raina, I will be strong. Edit - Yeah! The mixed feelings went away before I could even cheat on Raina hehe.)
I love everyone else in Pledis Family too, I find warmth in it.
I am a dude but I love the color Pink.
I am 19 but I love stuffing my face into my pillow, I call it "Pillowpalm". I always do this whenever I got "killed" by an extreme amount of cuteness.
I have a soft spot for Cuteness and Aegyo.
I love girls with Chubby cheeks and a little bit of baby fats. (Raina is the perfect example of my ideal type.)
I prefer Cute over Pretty or Sexy.
I totally ship Jooyeon + Uee (The Secret Lovers). They are the Sweetest and Cutest couple ever, it was as though they were a pair made in heaven, they were meant for each other. My One True Pairing.
I ship Nana + Lizzy as well, they seemed very real. Perhaps a real couple? They were always checking out each others' body. Looking at each other and smiling shyly whenever their eyes meet.
I know this sounds outrageous, but I am from the Choir and I am Tenor with a bit of Bass because our Bass is kind of weak, my conductor asked me to help them. I had always wanted to be in Alto, but obviously I can't because I'm a dude. I love Jooyeon's voice, which is just like Alto's. To be honest, I loved her voice the most. Even though she have the least lines, her voice is low-pitched, beautiful and calming.
My favorite genre was Korean Hip-Hop (Outsider, Dynamic Duo, Mighty Mouth, Curious, KeiKei, LMNOP, Defconn, LeeSSang, T-YoonMiRae (Tasha), Tiger JK etc.) because I love to rap but obviously every Korean music fan will follow an idol group.
I started out as a Sone back in 2008 February. My bias in Girls' Generation was Sunny.
I started noticing After School when Raina and Nana debuted with "Because of You" in 2009 November as I find Raina Cute. Was an Unofficial Playboyz from then till 2011 May when Raina finally took over Sunny's place in my heart during Shampoo era and I became an Official Playboyz.
Unofficial Playboyz meaning I went and did some research on After School. Learn about the members, history, concept, listened to all their songs and follow up on their latest news but my heart was still with Girls' Generation.
Official Sone : 2008 February (Kissing You era) - 2011 May (Mr. Taxi - Japan ver. era) (3 Years 3 Months)
Unofficial Playboyz : 2009 November (Because of You era) - 2011 May (Shampoo era) (1 Year 6 Months)
Official Playboyz : 2011 May (Shampoo era) - ??? (1 Year 7 Months and counting.)
My Dramatic Story -
Technically I knew After School from the day of their debut because I had been watching music shows every week ever since I became a Sone or came to know about Korean music.
One fine day, After School just popped out on my screen with their debut stage and I was like... Hmm that girl (Soyoung) was pretty cute, I didn't know their names back then but like I said, I have a fetish for chubby and cute girls. Soyoung was obviously one, so I followed up on their performances every week till the end of their Diva performance (There doesn't seem to be any break between Ah! and Diva).
There was a long hiatus after their last Diva stage and I gradually forgot about them. Until "Because of You" era, when their name came back on my screen. This time the cute girl (Soyoung) was gone but there was a cuter girl (Raina) that simply captured my heart.
I started searching them up and became an Unofficial Playboyz. I felt my heart quivering as Raina was exactly what my ideal type is. But the Sone in me was telling myself not to cheat on Sunny so I tried to forget about Raina. I tried pretty hard but I still can't shake her off my mind so I consulted my fellow Sone mates about this issue with Raina and of course, they were all firmly against me betraying Sunny...
But when Aing came out, Raina already won. It was my attachment to the Sone fandom that kept me with Sunny. I was totally addicted to Aing, especially Raina's Jirit Jirit Jirit Hage~! The "Trying to cast a spell" dance was too cute. The Sone in me was slowly diminishing and finally, after seeing Raina in Shampoo, the flames of Sone went out. I was like.. Screw this, Raina was what I need in my life.
The day after Shampoo comeback stage on Music Bank, I made a not so painful decision to leave the Sone fandom and became an Official Playboyz. I believe the decision I made was the correct one for me because my love for Raina only grew, it didn't waiver like how Sunny did when Raina was introduced to me. So far, I had seen a lot of cute girls that have the ability to kill me inside the K-Pop world but Raina was holding firm to my heart, I didn't doubt my love for her at all.
Now all my Sone friends hate me, just kidding, they still need me for their Soshi stuffs because it had been etched into my life. The habit of updating everything about Girls' Generation... Their latest performances, shows, magazine scans, commercials... EVERYTHING.
I have 6 terrabytes worth of Korean Idol stuffs. 3 terrabytes belonged to Girls' Generation. It's mostly .TP/.TS format performances which worth 500mb for a 3 minute video clip. I can printscreen my hard disk spaces and post it up if you guys think that this is ridiculous. Simply drop me a PM.
Edit - I didn't really went to count the amount of K-Pop stuffs I have when I said I have 6 terrabytes. I went to count earlier today and found out I only have 4.4 terrabytes. Still a terrifying amount...
Here is the link for those that think it's ridiculous -
I know I had been talking about Raina all this while but I am a true Playboyz. I love each and every After School member with all my heart. But, there's still two bias lists going on within me... Worse, there's a trio that kept messing up my bias list.
I have two bias lists - Cute and Pretty.
Cute List (From Cutest to Not The Cutest) -
1. Raina / 2. Lizzy / 3. Kaeun / 4. Jooyeon / 5. Uee / 6. Nana / 7. JungAh / 8. Eyoung
I actually find Lizzy cuter than Raina but I love Raina more. My heart entirely belonged to Raina.
(Edit - Now I find Raina the cutest for some enigmatic reasons. After all, she is my one love and ultimate bias.)
Pretty List (From Prettiest to Not The Prettiest) -
1. Jooyeon (?) Uee (?) Nana (?) / 2. Lizzy / 3. Kaeun / 4. JungAh / 5. Raina / 6. Eyoung
Jooyeon, Uee and Nana keep messing up my pretty list, I totally can't decide who is number 1, 2 or 3.
I usually find Jooyeon the prettiest but sometimes, Nana simply knock her off the champion spot and Uee will knock Nana off... And it repeats of course, Jooyeon will come back to the top again, vice versa. Which is why I feel so messed up.
I seemed to proof those who says "Once a Sone, always a Sone." wrong. Believe me, that was my motto for 3 years too. I was a true Sone, I loved every single member in Girls' Generation and supported them to the fullest. (Bought all their albums, calenders, photobooks and went to around 4 concerts. Always remembered to vote for them everyday whenever there are events like MAMA etc.) But sometimes, matters of the heart cannot be explained. After School stole my heart and now my motto became "Once a Playboyz, always a Playboyz." I believe this will be my motto till the end.
Change of Heart, Reversed Time and Old Feelings that Returned (Added on 2012-12-01) -
Lately, during Girls' Generation Oh! Japanese version and All My Love Is For You era. The sparks of Sone rekindled in me, I realised I still love them. Seems like the phrase "Once a Sone, always a Sone." is true after all. The feelings of being a Sone rushed through my body when I saw them again after so long. I just kept spazzing when I saw how cool and sexy Sunny was in All My Love Is For You music video, Tiffany and Jessica killed me too. Yoona killed me in Oh! Japanese version music video, when she winked while wearing a black framed spectacles. Taeyeon looked as beautiful as ever. But my bias in Girls' Generation may not be Sunny like it used to be nearly 2 years back. I got a feeling I will become a Gorjess, Jessica is kind of the main reason that brought me back to the Sone fandom. Her voice is truely beautiful, not to mention she herself is as beautiful. Maybe I will need some time to find out where my heart leads. I had decided to return to the Sone fandom on today 2012-12-01 but my main bias group is still After School.
Edit - Just like how After School have two bias lists, I had decided that Girls' Generation is gonna have two bias lists too. I will remain a Sunshiner because I realised Sunny is still the one that I loved the most in Girls' Generation. Jessica is just like Jooyeon, I find them to be the prettiest in their respective groups and I loved their voices the most.
Official Sone : 2008 February (Kissing You era) - 2011 May (Mr. Taxi - Japan ver. era) (3 Years 3 Months)
Official Sone : 2012 December (Flower Power era) - ??? (Returned after 1 Year 7 Months of leaving the Sone fandom.)
Unofficial Playboyz : 2009 November (Because of You era) - 2011 May (Shampoo era) (1 Year 6 Months)
Official Playboyz : 2011 May (Shampoo era) - ??? (1 Year 7 Months and counting.)
Like I said, I had been watching all the Music shows and there is this girl singer which I had been spazzing at ever since her debut, her name is Juniel. She have chubby cheeks and this expressionless face which I am in love with, not to mention she also have a totally beautiful voice. Right now, it's her Bad Man era. I gotta say I am totally addicted to that song. Here is a list of my Korean Idol biases (I have a lot but I will only include those that can really kill me in the list, in terms of ranking too.)
Girl Groups -
1. Orange Caramel / 2. After School / 3. Girls' Generation / 4. Hello Venus / 5. A-Pink / 6. Girls' Day
Solo Artists (Female) -
1. Son Dam Bi / 2. Juniel / 3. IU / 4. NS Yoonji / 5. Ailee
I am currently enlisted in the Army. I will only be online on weekends but on rare occasions I may be online on weekdays. I will always be online 24hours the moment I reach home, I have this bad habit of leaving my computer on even when I go out for a movie with friends.
Feel free to add me or anything, I need more Playgirlz and Playboyz friends to spazz about After School with. I got too many Sone friends.
Here are my social network details :
[email protected]
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 1
- Profile Views 2061
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday December 14, 1993
Jooyeon and Uee's Secret Lovers World ♥
Everything Related to Pledis Family.
Everything Related to Korea.
Rapping - Mostly Korean Songs.
Archery - Bows and Arrows.
Swimming - Learning Uee's Dolphin Style.
Diving - In Love with the Seabed.
Writing Stories - Fanfictions / Smuts -
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Singapore (SG)