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Member Since 10 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2023 11:46 PM

About Me

Hi. So I've been a fan since February 2012 and ever since from the start, Sooyoung has always been my favorite. There was a time when I also adored sica/sunny but nonetheless syf4life.


My interests include:


-Reading books/stories. I read mostly fiction cause I like to be away from reality

-Writing. Not an easy task for sure, I've been working on it...

-Music. I'm usually just a metalcore fan but I enjoy certain songs here and there, canto/mando-pop and ofc SNSD

-DDR. I can do most songs on expert but not the harder ones. I also someday want to play at a competitive level

-Starcraft 2. Anyone up for a game with me? Haha I'm actually really bad at it. I just watch it for fun

-Languages. English is my native tongue, but I've been studying Chinese/French passively and hopefully korean at some point in my life

-Hardwork. I value hardwork and good work ethics greatly in life. Though I can be quite lazy away from work

-Pondering. There's so much in life to observe and think about, it's endless. and also a waste of time



I wish I had more interests

Okay that's me.

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  • Group Members
  • Active Posts 41
  • Profile Views 5094
  • Member Title SoshiHoney
  • Age Age Unknown
  • Birthday October 19
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
    Sica's subconscious
  • Interests
    I'm here mostly for reading the fanfics. I like having a nice story to read once in a while but I don't actually like reading that much in itself. It helps me through life.
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Canada (CA)

2 Neutral

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