Member Since 28 Sep 2012Offline Last Active Feb 24 2020 10:46 AM
About Me
Do you remember why you became a SONE in the first place? Just come on, let's sit down and try to remember why you're a SONE. Let's remember why you're so hooked up to these 9 girls that you watch every single one of their MV and variety shows. That you download their musics, buy their albums. Pray that they'll come to your country for a concert. Make a Soshified account. Read fanfics. Make their pictures your wallpaper. Dying to tell funny things about them to your friends. Let's just all take a moment and remember what makes us act this way.
Why you ask? Because it's only then that you'll find who you are once again. That you'll remember why you're here. That you'll remember for all that has happened, it was always worth it in the end.
It will always be worth it for them. For our girls.
My love for SNSD is indescribable, and it should always stay that way. Because heck, how could you describe a feeling that is so overwhelming it just makes everything enough? That just seeing them smile makes you smile as well? Even the best writer in the world wouldn't be able to describe that.
So yeah, even after all that has happened, let's go on together for a long time, shall we? 우리오래가자!
지금은 소녀시대 , 앞으로도 소녀시대 , 영원히 소녀시대!
Anyway, I would like to consider myself a writer. Here are my works, check it out
My collection of stories.
A story currently ongoing.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 326
- Profile Views 6013
- Member Title Tales & Mysteries
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
1. People that do not exist
2. People that do not know I exist -
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