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Member Since 02 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2014 04:08 PM

About Me

Hello! My name is Juliet and I'm a Kpop freak but first and foremost a SONE and Taeganger. hehe Taeyeon also happens to be my ultimate Kpop bias. She has such a powerful voice and there's a quality about it that just makes you melt and die of feels! She is such a dork and she just makes me smile no matter what she's doing. ; w ; She's the best kid leader ever! :3 She's also so gorgeous and beautiful and AJSKDLDF ;A; I love all 9 of them with all my hearteu and that will never change! :3

I love a lot of Kpop groups but Infinite, U-Kiss, EXO, and B.A.P are the boy groups that I love the most. SHINee is pretty awesome too 'cause they sing about me! haha so glad my name is Juliet! keke Obviously I love my 9 Unnies the best but I love a lot of other girl groups too. I particularly like Secret! ^^ I could make a huge list but I'll just leave it to those. YAY Kpop!! ^o^

I really like dancing Kpop dances, drawing, Anime, playing video games, and Kpop (obviously) I am also interested in Instruments and I love to sing! I really like language too and plan on being a linguist. I taught myself to read Hangul and also taught myself how to read Katakana and Hiragana. I took 2 years of German too. I generally love to learn any language basically. hehe

The time I heard about SNSD was when they came out with The Boys. I didn't really bother to research into them since I was new to Kpop in general so I had to absorb all the pure awesomeness that is Kpop! I just didn't get around to researching them until a little later. But after I did look up their other songs, I fell for them completely! I loved all of their MV's and then when TaeTiSeo came out with Twinkle, that's when I started to get obsessed and looked up every one of their songs and watch all of their shows. After I watched some shows with them, I couldn't get enough! They are all so funny and likable but also really hard working and genuine. They have rapidly became my favorite Kpop group in such a short amount of time. Soooo, I decided to join Soshified 'cause that is exactly what I am and I'm proud of it! hehe

I just have to say I really admire them. They are all so talented, funny, down to earth, crazy, awesome, and such strong people! I hope you guys will like this fellow SONE and we can talk about being completely soshified! ^^V

Community Stats

  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 56
  • Profile Views 2726
  • Member Title SoshiHoney
  • Age 29 years old
  • Birthday August 21, 1995
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
    Arizona, USA
  • Interests
    Kpop, Music, Instruments, Singing, Dancing, Drawing, Anime, Video Games, Languages! :D
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    United States (US)

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