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Member Since 22 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2021 09:55 PM

About Me

Well... I like lifting weights. I am an avid browser of *****, though mostly /fit/ and /fit/ offshoot joke blogs that battle the tyranny of the HAES movement. My favorite tripfags are Ennui because of his face, and Lobitah because of her adorable. Second favorites are Tinytrip for his depression, and DerpQueen for her french Canadian nose. I like going to anime cons because its one of the few times I'm around a lot of people, and they're really easy to talk to and I've made a few good friends at the last one. yay~

I'm really only here to download SNSD videos and to try to make some friends, maybe. I definitely won't message people first, and probably won't even look at anyone's profiles because of that 'visitors' section. Scares the **** out of me because I'm a paranoid retard like that. Yeah, I have huge amounts of social anxiety, except for when I know someone at least somewhat well and then it all goes away. Also if I'm too drunk to care, but when I get that far, I'm a few sips away from puking. Idk what else to say. I'm not interested in any of that hipster crap, it's all the same.

The first thing people usually notice about me is that I'm serious and shy, so they always say "why are you so quiet?"

I like music a lot, although I almost exclusively listen to dance music (and 'Call me maybe'). My favorite book is Starting Strength. I play vidya from time to time, mostly sports games. Don't really watch TV, but since it's on Netflix I'm currently watching Breaking Bad.

You should message me if you're going to detour in April or you have any fitness/diet related questions, as long as you don't say 'how do I get toned'... or if, you know, you want to be friends or something, that's cool too.

Please respond.

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