Member Since 03 Mar 2012Offline Last Active Apr 29 2015 03:29 AM
About Me
Let me introduce myself
Here comes trouble
What is up! My name is Kiz, call me Kiz, i'm just simply Kiz
Been a long time since i edited this piece of junk so i'll keep things short
Favorite member of SNSD: all
Least favorite member of SNSD: al
In short, i love them equally
Let us all be friends okay?
Twitter is Kizdawg94s. Hit me up if you want some random shizness (that means follow me if you can't understand Kizlish)
I also have an Instagram if you want to know my face. It's Kizrock94
Skype if you want to see me humping a bear.......Just kidding, i only hump fish (creep mode ON)
So that's it. Here are some Fany to fawn over
There's no PS actually, just messing with ya
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 79
- Profile Views 4597
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday February 17
I'm from the darkest place there is: My mom
I like pretty much everything....except fruits
I like pretty much all games....except soccer
I like pretty much everyone..... except guys
I like pretty much all SNSD.....except nothing -
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Viet Nam (VN)