Member Since 16 Jan 2012Offline Last Active Apr 23 2016 03:01 AM
I still can't believe that I actually dreamed about Tiffany...Gosh, such a memorable dream...
Updated 07 May · 0 comments
About Me
Annyong haseyo...nice to meet you. My name is Lee Zhi Zhong and I am from Malaysia. I had been a fan of SNSD and Yoona & Tiffany ever since the Gee era! By the way, I'm learning korean language too, please do teach me if you know..AND feel free to add me as your friend and ask me anything you want to know, I'll answer them if i can. Kamsahamida...
”Everything will be good as long as you do your best. Because if you do, there will be no regrets.” - Tiffany Hwang Miyoung
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 335
- Profile Views 10524
- Member Title I am Fany-ian!
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday September 14, 1994
In my Fanyland, becoming more and more Tiffanified.. <3
How to Tiffanified more people to love our beloved SNSD?!
Favorite SoShi Member
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Malaysia (MY)