Member Since 22 Dec 2011Offline Last Active Nov 03 2015 03:23 PM
About Me
Hey! you! ......... Hello^^;
Feel free to send PMs if you have any questions about me *^^*
However, I might not be able to reply right away because I get busy often as time goes by but I will try to reply to you as fast as I can when I have enough time, okay?
I don't know what to say here... That's why there isn't much about me in this page...
I'm sorry if I say anything strange in English. So, please understand It's because I use Korean more often. I go to school, meet friends, study, solve problems... Everything is in Korean except when I learn English.
I may edit this page in the future, but I will leave these lines still for now.
Nice to meet you everyone!
Community Stats
- Group Rookies
- Active Posts 18
- Profile Views 3574
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 26 years old
- Birthday May 11, 1998
Gangnam in Seoul
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Korea, South Korea (KR)