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Member Since 28 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2013 06:56 AM
Just got back from working for unpaid overtime. How ballsy is that? Listened to Let it Rain while on the way home, and felt a total sense of satisfaction~ Updated 22 Aug · 0 comments

About Me

As of now, I'm too busy enjoying life to even care about it. Things just fall into the natural order when you least expect them to. XD

I think that it's too cliche already to keep on terming yourself as "simple" and repeating the "you need to know me to know me" kind of approach.. So for the sake of just giving you the simple gist of who I am, just read the bulleted stuff below.. Lols.. XD

1. WYSIWYG - Big boned.. I wouldn't call myself fat anymore, because I've been dieting to quite an extent as of recently.

2. I eat a lot.. But then you probably wouldn't believe me at all.. Lols.. Anything considered food I'm willing to try.. But then because of the newly acquired perks (diabetes and gout), I've got to stay from the food that I love, and that sucks.. XD

3. I enjoy a good laugh.. At the most, I try to make others laugh.. I mean, come on, laughter is one of the most effective healing forces for the soul.. It's just one of those universal languages that anyone can understand.. XD

4. Books are my best friend.. Though people might see me as the "balasubas" and "jokey retard who has no care for the world" type, I do actually indulge in literature.. Always loved Thomas Hardy, C.S. Lewis and Nelson DeMille.. Always loved Alfred Tennyson and Wilfred Owen's poems.. Writing is also one of my major hobbies..

5. Avid guitar player.. Though I've been quite busy with school over the past year, it never really leaves me.. Been playing on and off for over 9 years and it's all good.. XD I'm more inclined to the metal genre but then I play any music in general.. XD

6. I actually have a soft spot for dramatic scenes.. I mean, I really tear up, which has led to many an embarrassing situation in front of other people who thought differently of me..

7. Avid learner of languages. Yeah, but then it seems that I am more inclined to learning European languages better than Asian languages.. I can engage conversational French, basic conversational Spanish and basic conversational Arabic (recently learned).

8. Procrastination is my cup of tea.. And it gets me in really serious trouble at times and most of the time.. XD But then whatever, I just take it as it is.. XD

Yeah, so that's the basic gist of things.. Just check out what other people say about me for anything else.. XD

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  • Active Posts 4809
  • Profile Views 9319
  • Member Title Soshi Nirvana <3
  • Age Age Unknown
  • Birthday March 25
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
    Right here, where I'm at.
  • Interests
    Guitar, drums, keyboard, saxophone (just recently). Also interested in breaking electronics apart (it's become somewhat of a habit now lately ever since I had money to buy stuff) and putting them back together. Bookworm, definitely and an avid handheld/arcade gamer. I would have included Soshi here, but then it's no longer an interest. Rather it's a way of life.
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Philippines (PH)

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