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Member Since 23 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2015 01:17 AM
waiting for shining smile 2nd photobook to be posted to me Updated 27 Jun · 0 comments

About Me

Been a SONE for quite a long time, and have been active on Soshified over the past years just that i didn't register as a member here but rather on a different fansite. I still have alot to learn as a SONE, being an international SONE is tough because it is rather hard to meet the girls except when they come to the respective countries to perform.
SNSD is the start of my love my kpop and the korean culture. I have been actively learning Hangul and hope to master it as soon as possible. Lastly, i hardly met up with SG SONEs since i don't interact much in the forums, rather i love reading the SONEs' posts which are always entertaining.
I watch SNSD everyday, during work, in school, on the bus, at home and even when sleeping. It is my first time loving people so much that it doesn't matter if i have no other entertainment in my life.

Honestly, it is hard for me to blend in with SONEs here because most of them knew each other from way before. I have no idea why but i will usually get criticized for my posts, this has caused me to post lesser than what i did on the other forums. It could be because of the conservative community here that i can hardly interact freely and have fun like what i used to have at the other SNSD fansite forum. But nevertheless i will try to post often. The people here though conservative are actually kind and passionate, i hope to learn more about SNSD from them. ^_^

My favourite song is Dear mom, its not because i am a sone that made me say this. The song is extremely touching. The first time i heard the song, i could literally feel how much the girls cherish their moms. It is also the first time i became teary after listening to a song. The moment when a mix of emotions inside of you are let out.

Things for me to note in Soshified forums:

1. I will always stay truthful in whatever I type

2. I will treat everyone the same regardless of familiarity

3. I will help people out if its within my means

4. I will point out people's mistakes if there is a need to

5. I will always reply whatever people type to me irregardless of being ignored

What i notice in this forum -_- you will get ignore 50% of the time if you are a guy, but if you are a girl you get 100% attention....well whatever i will just look at the 9 angels as they are my energy suppliers :D
I don't care whether you are a SONE with "higher authority" or what not, i feel that all SONEs are on the same ground with equal standing.

Community Stats

  • Group Donors
  • Active Posts 174
  • Profile Views 3806
  • Member Title 9 Girls make my life complete
  • Age 33 years old
  • Birthday January 29, 1992
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
  • Interests
    Watching SNSD videos and running man, learning kpop dance, popping, exercising and lastly SPAZZING :D
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Singapore (SG)

3 Neutral

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