Member Since 19 Jul 2011Offline Last Active Sep 07 2022 10:12 PM
About Me
Heyo, I'm Caroline.
The Soshibond is one of the most wonderful things on this planet, right next to mint ice cream and month-long winter breaks. Other interests of mine include procrastinating, obsessing over "PARTY" because party time is all the time, and, well, writing. But you knew that already, didn't you?
Head on over to BySone to check out some pretty cool people. Do it; no regrets. See what familiar faces you can find (or perhaps, discover someone new).
Anyway, I apologize for not being more entertaining; I suppose there's a reason the girls have an international fansite and I don't. But I am somewhat capable of holding decent conversations after experiencing 21 years on this planet, and I don't bite, I promise. So until then--see you around!
Community Stats
- Group Writers
- Active Posts 197
- Profile Views 7114
- Member Title OT9'er through and through
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
somewhere i am average height
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