Member Since 27 Jun 2011Offline Last Active May 10 2014 07:19 AM
Finally back. Aigoo~ ;~; </3
Updated 10 Jun · 0 comments
About Me
Hi.. uhm.. I'm Seph and it's nice to meet you! Haha.
I'm a hardcore SONE even though it hasn't been long since I've actually been a SONE.
But I don't regret it, these 9 girls are just so lovable and too damn cute. >.<"
My bias is the kid leader, Kim Taeyeon. I'm in love with her.
I'd love to be friends.. i'm just so lonely. I don't bite, scratch or punch.
Don't be afraid. Haha.
I present to you.. my loved Taeyeon. ↓
Haha! Obsessed much? Yes, I am. :">
So what? Maerong~
I was just kidding. Forgive me? Or I will come hug-tackle you. >
Just like this. xD
Peace yo~
A few members that are also my favorite aside than our Taeyeon. <3
I'm a hardcore SONE even though it hasn't been long since I've actually been a SONE.
But I don't regret it, these 9 girls are just so lovable and too damn cute. >.<"
My bias is the kid leader, Kim Taeyeon. I'm in love with her.
I'd love to be friends.. i'm just so lonely. I don't bite, scratch or punch.
Don't be afraid. Haha.
I present to you.. my loved Taeyeon. ↓
Haha! Obsessed much? Yes, I am. :">
So what? Maerong~
I was just kidding. Forgive me? Or I will come hug-tackle you. >
Just like this. xD
Peace yo~
A few members that are also my favorite aside than our Taeyeon. <3
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 169
- Profile Views 7554
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday January 3
TaeNy's palace
Taeyeon's Dorkiness,
Sunny's Aegyo,
Sica's chicness,
Fany's eye-smile.
--Love all of 'em-- -
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
United Arab Emirates (AE)