evelyn hwang
Member Since 22 Feb 2011Offline Last Active Private
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Taengdy → evelyn hwang
please like the FB page for our school project. many thanks! :D [:D] www.facebook.com/Care2DS and follow us on @Care2DS don't forget to check in to http://care2downsyndrome.blogdetik.com/ we have to reach 1000 followers for college assignment

LovelyTroll → evelyn hwang
Remember, click as many time as you CAN !
You can vote once a day =D Need your POWER !!!
The link : http://kpopwave.joinsmsn.com/
You can vote once a day =D Need your POWER !!!
The link : http://kpopwave.joinsmsn.com/

LovelyTroll → evelyn hwang
Unnieeeeeeeeee LONG TIME NO SPEAK =(
I'm Spaming to all the sones XDD
Vote for GG on GDA =D
You have to register for the site before voting.
Just follow the steps as in the video ^^ SONEs, we really want SNSD to win Daesang all 9 with fany ^^
Remember, click as many time as you CAN ...
I'm Spaming to all the sones XDD
Vote for GG on GDA =D
You have to register for the site before voting.
Just follow the steps as in the video ^^ SONEs, we really want SNSD to win Daesang all 9 with fany ^^
Remember, click as many time as you CAN ...

LovelyTroll → evelyn hwang
support SNSD in Intuned pleaseee follow them ^^ and add me as your friend if you want =D ?
http://www.intuned.com/?s=overview Follow SNSD pleasee ? ^^
http://www.intuned.com/?s=overview Follow SNSD pleasee ? ^^

Tricia9Angels → evelyn hwang
Ada.. dan katanya susah.. ckckck..
Hahaha.. pajak juga lieur.. @_@
Oke dehh.. epel juga gud luck skripsi nya! FIGHTING! >_<
Hahaha.. pajak juga lieur.. @_@
Oke dehh.. epel juga gud luck skripsi nya! FIGHTING! >_<

LovelyTroll → evelyn hwang
Unnieeeee sorry sorry sorry for the late reply TT... I've been busy, sick, without internet conexion T^T...
How are you unnie?? I miss u a lot !!! ^^
How are you unnie?? I miss u a lot !!! ^^

evelyn hwang → Kim Ha Ra_SonELF
haii...lam knall.thx for the add...
dari bali yah??^^
dari bali yah??^^