Member Since 08 Feb 2011Offline Last Active Sep 24 2016 07:40 AM
♥♥♥ snsd
Updated 08 Feb · 0 comments
About Me
I am BADEYESIGHT and having a really BAD EYESIGHT :
i'm not anyone bias as for me 9 equal to 1, love all of them
i'm not into any couple or pairing things (sorry), for me, GIRLS' GENERATION is not about 9 friends being in 1 group but 9 people that share a special even-word-cannot-describe bonding
being able to meet SONE around the world or from my country is such a plasure for me because none of my friends are SONE (i will try to turn them into SONE someday) so it is good to meet someone that have common interest,
sorry my english might be bad, will working on it...
i'm not anyone bias as for me 9 equal to 1, love all of them
i'm not into any couple or pairing things (sorry), for me, GIRLS' GENERATION is not about 9 friends being in 1 group but 9 people that share a special even-word-cannot-describe bonding
being able to meet SONE around the world or from my country is such a plasure for me because none of my friends are SONE (i will try to turn them into SONE someday) so it is good to meet someone that have common interest,
sorry my english might be bad, will working on it...
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 104
- Profile Views 4168
- Member Title I'm Your Sone
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday January 24, 1992
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Malaysia (MY)