Member Since 17 Jan 2011Offline Last Active Dec 01 2013 03:09 AM
About Me
I'm a pretty shy person. I'm not into social life. But I'm into Girls Generation life! XD
I'm just a normal kid. I don't know anything about feelings or something externally or internally. But when Girls Generation showed up in the T.V
I felt something deep inside of my heart. Love.
Girls Generation taught me everything!
They taught me how to Love someone.
They taught me what is the feeling of Love.
They taught me that Love is a big deal for everyone.
And lastly, they taught me how to smile, laugh, hug on everyone else.
I thank Girls Generation for teaching me all of this!
I owe them to all. I've been a much better person when I knew them!
Oh yeah! I'm happy that Taeyeon and me have the same laugh!
I'm super happy that my unique laugh is similar to Taeyeon!
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 107
- Profile Views 3862
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age 28 years old
- Birthday July 28, 1996
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Philippines (PH)