Member Since 19 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Dec 23 2018 10:31 AM
About Me
cc. Koolbody (Koolbaby)
My poem for my Beloved GIRLS
In the midst of my darkness,
Where everything seems hopeless,
Then came a shining goddess,
That gives alms to all helpless.
It may be cliché to say,
It is God that made the way,
To meet you on the right day,
To quit the words “I’m okay”.
I cried to Him the whole night,
Saying thanks with all my might,
Cause’ now I found the new light,
To continue the life and fight.
Maybe you are wondering,
What or whom I’m referring,
That makes me again moving,
You, 9 girls who are inspiring.
For SooSicSphere watch this---->
Strive for what you want or dream of, cause opportunity or chance just don't always comes along; it's a matter of effort, determination and passion.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 149
- Profile Views 9664
- Member Title Quirky smirker
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday November 29
Girls Generation. :)
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