Member Since 15 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Private /brb spazzing
Updated 20 Jan · 0 comments
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Yuri's so gangster, she wears a Minnie shirt. <3
My Two Cents on SSF's Fanfiction Fanbase
Skimming through many fanfic titles, fanfic authors, and comments on here, I've come to realize several things.
The majority of this site enjoys light romantic fluff. Comedy and/or extra diabetes is usually a plus. Either that, or a sad tear-jerker with either a happy ending or extra drama is also the norm.
All in all, romance is the overpoweringly primary genre here. Any other genres, if any, are so minor they're not worth mentioning. Of course, I'm talking about the majority of fanfics here. There is a miniscule minority, some extremely popular and some extremely obscure, that survives off of other genres such as comedy, action, adventure, thrillers, or even the unheard-of mystery. But the majority of fanfics lacks this variety.
Romance isn't everything, people. Good stories, famous stories, even legendary stories have taken root in other genres. This site has a few examples: A*****s, J**, and a relatively obscure writer, a certain d****Xs****, whose works I adored and looked up to once upon a time. Those fics were good. Those fics were relatively unique. Those fics were my inspirations.
If you've already read many romance fanfics, maybe writing something different would be nice. However, I realize the hardships some authors face: because SSF's fanbase is generally geared towards romantic interactions, other genres might not be as well received. I understand very well- I experienced this same exact thing in another fandom.
Maybe SSF simply isn't the place for non-romance or romance-as-a-subgenre writers. Maybe it's only for spazzers who want to imagine YulSic getting it on in the back of a car or TaeNy kissing on a beach while watching a setting sun. I just don't know.
Please don't hate. These are just my thoughts, based on my own opinions and a friend's past interactions with SSF.
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