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Member Since 15 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2014 09:44 PM
I need [to get obsessed with] another fic... Updated 21 Jan · 0 comments

About Me

[ Another drop in the beautiful Pink Ocean. Just another heart full of dreams and inspiration. ]
Hello there! I'm Nancy, a girl who daydream most of the time; who love reading fanfiction, drawing, listening music and giving advises which she never follows (also a girl who suddenly stops talking in third person)... I love my nine angels and my lovely fandom. I like to laugh at random and simple stuff, to write ironic things in my 'about me' section and to meet people who has the same interests as me (if that is possible?!). I'm pretty weird and awkward :D
*I speak Español too, by the way. If you want to know more about this person with a personality disorder, please do follow her in
Twitter: @nancyrivaas

**LOL at my username, but oh well, I love that dork and I will love her forever, that's why I never did something to change it 8D

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Nine as one.


Looking For Angels / ★★★★★

TaeNy (mainly), SooSun, YoonHyun fanfiction, tragedy T.T, ****ing highly recomended [if you want to cry, and I mean it].

Nothing In My Way (NOMY) / ★★★★★

[1st Part] YulTi fanfiction, PG-13, romance, need SSF account, higly recommended.

Nothing In My Way II: Looking For a Gypsy / ★★★★★

[2nd Part] YulTi fanfiction, PG-13, romance, need SSF account, highly recommended.

500 Days Of Taeyeon / ★★

TaeNy fanfiction, PG-13, romance/drama, need SSF account. Highly recommended.

Implied Consent /★★☆☆☆

YulSic fanfic, Rated-R, romance/drama.

SIN / ★★★☆☆

TaengSic, YulTi, YoonHyun & HyoSun fanfic, romance/fiction, need SSF account.

Here To Protect You / ★★★☆☆

Yulti fanfic,romance, need SSF account.

What My Heart Wants To Say / ★★☆☆☆

TaeNy, YulSic, romance/tragedy.

Self Control… Not /★★☆☆☆

YulSic fanfic, RATED-R~ e.e

Assassin /★★☆☆☆

YulTi fanfic, romance.

Our First Love Story / ★★★★☆

YulSic, TaeNy, romance, need SSF account.

Endless Season /★★★★★

semi-realistic SNSD-in-very-near-future sort of thing”

[HIATUS] TaeNy, highly recommended, romance, drama [is not finished but I rated it because is so ****ing good omg. You choose if you want to read or not].

Everlast: The Hunters

[ONGOING] TaeNy, YulSic, need SSF account.

Remembering Sunday

TaeNy, YulSic, need SSF account.

Revelations Of A Confused Heart (ROACH) /★★★★☆

YulTi, romance, drama, need SSF account.

Gee Academy /★★★★☆

[HIATUS] YulSic, TaeNy, SooSun, drama, romance, need SSF account [another great fic, which is not finished OTL].

Sing For Me /★★★★★

“inspired by the movie 50 First Dates”

[HIATUS] TaeNy, drama, romance, need SSF account [beautiful fic, but another which is not finished sob…].

Back And Forth /★★★★★

Another OT9 story. Pairings: TaeNy, YulSic (Soshi-bond focused, though).

[PDF Collection] Lorem Ipsum / ★★★★★

Pure awesomeness. Mainly TaeNy, need SSF account.

[UPDATE: this author’s fics may not be available anymore]

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  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 75
  • Profile Views 11366
  • Member Title SoshiHoney
  • Age 29 years old
  • Birthday February 4, 1995
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Interests
    Music, drawing, photography, reading, writing, watching movies and dramas, fanfiction, Kpop idols, tumblr, twitter, GIRLS' GENERATION, did I mention stalking kpop idols? and eating.
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    Mexico (MX)

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