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Member Since 12 Dec 2010
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first time in SSF after so many months >.< Updated 11 Feb · 0 comments

About Me

How I got into KPOP and Girls' Generation? Hmm...

Well, I remember sitting down on a couch in my living room and turning on the tv one day. A concert that recently happened in San Francisco was showing on the screen. The performers were Bruno Mars and a few others. There was this one group with four girls that really caught my eye. They were introduced as "Brown Eyed Girls" and they performed a song that got everyone in the crowd screaming in excitement. Their performance of the song "Abracadabra" was really interesting that soon I began to wonder who they really were. I started looking them up on YT, watched more and more videos about them and I just got hooked. I started watching WGM since one of the members, Ga In, was in it. I also found out that Narsha was in some show called "Invincible Youth", but I didn't really want to watch it for some reason. By then, I was really a big fan of B.E.G. and their music that I didn't look on to other groups.

About a few weeks or months later, I became a Kara fan, more like Hara's fan. I don't how I got to know about Kara, but it just happened. Then one day, I came along this video where Hara was standing on top of some machine and was dancing to "Lupin". There were others in the video, but I didn't really mind them. It looked like some show and when I looked at the comments, I found out the name was "Invincible Youth". I then remembered that it was the same show that Narsha from B.E.G. was on. People said that IY was hilarious, so I gave it a try and it became one of my favorite variety shows.

Now this is where Soshi comes in. When I first started watching IY, I only knew Hara and Narsha, but not the rest of the girls. I thought that they were all pretty and it showed that they were all from different girl groups, but I had no interest on knowing them better. There was this one girl though that I really thought was cute, but then again, I only found out her name was Sunny and her group name(SNSD), but didn't research her or anything. Then soon came this one episode where they had their best friends come to the set of the show. After a while, Sunny's best friend arrived and was introduced. The girl's name was 'Hyoyeon'. It also said that it was Yuri's best friend. I knew that those two(Yuri & Sunny) were from the same group, but I actually thought that Hyoyeon was just their non-celebrity best friend. Something about when Hyoyeon hugged the two other girls made me curious about their relationship. I typed "SNSD" on YT's search bar and the first video I came on to was Girl's Generation's "Oh!" and I found out that Hyo was part of their group of nine gorgeous angels girls. Everything was hazy then. It's like I became possessed or something because all I probably did after watching that MV was click on their other videos, listened to their songs non-stop, watched all their shows, etc. By then, I became a S<3NE.

There are tons of information and details that I left out, but I didn't want to bore you readers with the length and make it longer than it already is. Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed my little story :)


Enjoy these funny gifs/pics!!

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(cr: ggoh) LOL

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    .... SNSD!
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