Member Since 28 Oct 2010Offline Last Active Jul 21 2012 06:12 AM
About Me
I love SNSD..
Especially Soo Young.
Hope we can be friends.
As a Sooyoungster, I promise to cherish and love the Shikshin goddess;
I will feed the shikshin whenever she is hungry.
I will be as strong as an unbeatable tiger;
I will eat as much as I want despite what others say. I will cry if my hearts wants too.
I will be the Shikshin's source of energy and happiness. ♥
As a YongSeo Shipper, I will live my life with R=VD
I will be optimistic in many ways,while giving what I have to those in need,
I promise to treasure the rusted couple ring,to make kimchi making as our hobby,
to always way my seatbelt, to try my best to speak informally,
while having fun with my f4-like brother in laws.♥
Special Thanks to mingying for helping me out~!
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 167
- Profile Views 3048
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday May 5, 1995
Musics, Anything concerning our Shikshin
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Malaysia (MY)