Member Since 11 Oct 2010Offline Last Active Apr 10 2016 02:59 AM
Crack thread back in business! :D
Updated 04 Mar · 0 comments
About Me
Hey, I guess I should start putting SOMETHING on this page eh? Anyway, just your everyday college student wasting her time away on websites like this one haha. I'm lazy as hell, but still manage to put up fics somehow. Check them out if you have time to kill though. Disclaimer: I won't be held responsible if you end up blind from my terrible writing.
Love Me, Love My Dog
All That and a Bag of Crack
I got into SNSD in the summer of 2010 from that SooYoung vs TaeYeon series. Their playful bickering just grabbed me immediately. I like a lot of other groups too, but I only follow AKB48 and Momoiro Clover as much as I do SNSD, especially AKB48. So any AKB or Momoclo fans out there, feel free to spazz with me
If you wanna get to know me more, feel free to drop a question:
Love Me, Love My Dog
All That and a Bag of Crack
I got into SNSD in the summer of 2010 from that SooYoung vs TaeYeon series. Their playful bickering just grabbed me immediately. I like a lot of other groups too, but I only follow AKB48 and Momoiro Clover as much as I do SNSD, especially AKB48. So any AKB or Momoclo fans out there, feel free to spazz with me

If you wanna get to know me more, feel free to drop a question:
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 105
- Profile Views 6684
- Member Title SoshiStruck
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