Chresentia Eva
Member Since 30 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Apr 23 2024 07:31 PM
Profile Feed

mojojO → Chresentia Eva
heyya there fellow mysone! thanks for the add. hope we can be friends XD

Chresentia Eva
I'm falling heads over heels for the angels over & over again~~ They are just too lovely!!^^

soshi.kandy → Chresentia Eva
hehe np :) soshi's currently third >< we must change that

Chresentia Eva → soshi.kandy
Owh.. we can vote everyday? that's nice... I've voted yesterday... I'll do it again.. thanks for the info..^^

soshi.kandy → Chresentia Eva
hi :) sorry for spam but please help SNSD win the GDA so Fany can stand on stage with them this time by voting at, follow the tutorial here
PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE ONCE A DAY, SNSD's currently second and need us SONES ^^
PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE ONCE A DAY, SNSD's currently second and need us SONES ^^

-TeSsA- → Chresentia Eva
Aaaah I see ^_^ haha Thank you ^_^ I really need some luck with school >.< It's being a pain for me lol How are you? ^_^

Chresentia Eva → -TeSsA-
My sister is a bit older than you..^^.. she turned 13 last March..=p.. all the best with your studies.. Catch your dreams..^^

-TeSsA- → Chresentia Eva
Haha ^_^ lol Aaah Yay! We're almost the same height xDDD I'm gonna grow taller ._. I wanna stop growing though ._. lol Really, She's 13? I just turned 13 this August 28th LOL xD Aaah I see <3 ^___^

Chresentia Eva → -TeSsA-
Hi there dongsaeng-ie...^^.. You have quite a height up there.. almost as tall as me..=) I wonder If you'll be growing taller more...^^... by the way, you are just the same age the maknae in my family.. *she's shorter though*???...