rose celine santos
Member Since 09 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Apr 14 2014 04:39 AM
sooyoung forever !!!
Updated 29 Oct · 0 comments
About Me
as a certified Sooyoungster,
I will dedicate my life in supporting the shikshin,
I will be very happy to feed the shikshin whenever she is hungry,
I will give the shikshin water if she choked onto something because of eating, ^^
I will memorize all the parts of sooyoung in their songs (as in all of it),
I will always show my love and affection to the shikshin in every way that i can (like this),
I will always appreciate every thing that she does,
I will love all the people that loves sooyoung,
I promise to LOVE the shikshin with all my heart,
I will be there when she's in need,
I will never leave her, when the whole world does.
I will dedicate my life in supporting the shikshin,
I will be very happy to feed the shikshin whenever she is hungry,
I will give the shikshin water if she choked onto something because of eating, ^^
I will memorize all the parts of sooyoung in their songs (as in all of it),
I will always show my love and affection to the shikshin in every way that i can (like this),
I will always appreciate every thing that she does,
I will love all the people that loves sooyoung,
I promise to LOVE the shikshin with all my heart,
I will be there when she's in need,
I will never leave her, when the whole world does.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 75
- Profile Views 4145
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday August 22, 1995
Reading fanfics !!!
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Philippines (PH)