Member Since 15 Aug 2010Offline Last Active Feb 15 2016 05:24 AM
About Me
Hello Hello!!
I'm Qisthi
Of course...I'm a SONE..
that's a reason why I'm in Soshified^^
Seohyun is a reason why I'm a SONE. I still remember this. On March 2010, my older sister give me WGM video and I see a beautiful onnie on that video. I like her because she had a lot of charm. I started to search info about her, and I found that she's a member of SNSD, Seohyun.
I became a SONE since i saw Seohyun onnie..
And now I love all of SNSD members.
here is My Soshi love list :
1. Taeyeon
2. Tiffany
3. Seohyun
4. Sooyoung
5. Hyoyeon
6. Sunny
7. Yoona
8. Jessica
9. Yuri
But since I used to read fanfics, I can't help but fallen to TaeNy's charm...
Just 'Tell me Your Wish' and i just can say 'Gee' to you.. 'If' you make my 'Tears' fall, it was all my 'Mistake'.. 'It's okay even if it hurts' ,because you're my 'Destiny' and 'Forever' be my 'Tinkerbell'.. 'Oh!' 'My Best Friend' you make my life 'Complete' . You 'Like a Star' .. SNSD,-Girls' Generation- parody song titles...^^
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 204
- Profile Views 8732
- Member Title Locksmith
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday September 17, 1994
Medan, Indonesia
SoShi, Taeny, Fanfics, Blogging, Guitar, Big Bang, Biology and taeny taeny taeny
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