Member Since 11 Aug 2010Offline Last Active Jan 11 2013 10:20 PM
About Me
About Me:
I am a Proud Filipino 소녀시대 SONE!
I don't have many talents, but others say I am good at Painting.
Mmmm... That's all I can say?
How I've become a 소녀시대 fan:
I've been following Girls' Generation since April 2010, when a friend of mine introduced me to their song Oh! I have to admit that, at first, I didn't like them because... I don't know (?) ROFL. But, when I heard their songs Chocolate Love and Gee, I FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM!
I listened to all of their songs, watched all their music videos, and viewing every show they are in. And now, I can say that I am a Loyal SONE.
I tried to learn Korean, so I can understand what they are saying, but I can't practice the Korean Language here, because there are no Koreans in our place. But I can now read and write Hangul without any difficulty.
Favorite 소녀시대 Songs:
1. Baby Baby
2. Complete
3. 영원히 너와 꿈꾸고 싶다
4. 별별별 (☆★☆)
5. 내 잘못이죠
Although I love all of them, the member I like the most is... *drum rolls*
Kim TaeYeon!
Right now it's 소녀시대. From now one it's 소녀시대. Forever it's 소녀시대!

Check this out!
I made a music video for SNSD's latest song, Diamond!
Hope you like it!
Such a nice song.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 76
- Profile Views 4600
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday July 17
Painting. :)
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Philippines (PH)