Member Since 15 Jul 2010Offline Last Active Private
About Me
I was named after the disney princess .
As of June 6th I am seventeen years young .
I'm passionate about music and plan on being a choir teacher one day .
I'm a classically trained vocalist but i love singing any types of songs <3 . (ask me to collab!)
i love to photoshop , listen to music , or play videogames in my spare time .
i'm a cosmetics + skin care junkie . i love shopping !
i have several hopes and dreams and will do my best to achieve them .
i'm a complete yoonaddict but i'm also a fellow GorJess spazzer , taenganger and SeoMate religiously <3 .
i believe in the power of nine as one .
i love all kpop .
i'm completely taecyoon , shiyoon, haesica, sweetpotato & khunA biased .
" trouble and perplexity drive me to prayer . prayer drives away trouble and perplexity . "
" music will save the world . "
fanfictions I'm currently writing - click titles to go to thread
Heavenly Whispers
starring Jessica & Donghae
Memoirs of a Forbidden Romance
starring Yoona & Siwon
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 159
- Profile Views 3473
- Member Title siwon <3 yoona
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday June 6, 1993
New Jersey
Singing (music major) . KPOP - SNSD, Suju, SHINee, 2PM, DBSK, etc. Photoshopping . sleeping .
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
United States (US)
Contact Information
- Instagram jasmeanieface