Member Since 27 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Feb 16 2021 08:37 AM
About Me
NAME: call me Julie or anne..or whatever have it your way
Age:Im 15..the age above is not really my age..i just want to be same age as my bias
Fav. SNSD Song:I love all their song..but KISSING YOU has this sweet memory in me...
Fav. SNSD Pairing:Of course...JETI!!!!
How I Knew About SNSD: ..long story..but let me put it this way..
i was watching TV..August 1,12am more or less..
im so ready to turn off the tv when this music channel
called "V" was playing "gee" i wasn't interested until the part where this girl in a
curly short hair was singing then suddenly smile with her eyes..then winked.. after that
i was awake until 3am haha :)after that i never forgotten about the name
Fav. SNSD MEMBER:Well i love them all...but this girl deserves to be
my bias since she's the reason why i stared liking k-pop..know who she is?
Does "Eye smile Queen" give u a hint?
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 148
- Profile Views 8562
- Member Title I Ship SoshiFany <3 !!
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday July 22, 1995
Just want to have friends that also love SNSD!!!!
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Philippines (PH)