Member Since 24 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Apr 28 2024 03:09 PM
About Me
This is the story of how I discovered SNSD...
I think it would be appropriate to begin with my discovery of K-pop. Yes, SNSD wasn't the first K-pop I was exposed to. Believe it or not, my first taste of K-pop was through Starcraft... For those of you who don't know, Starcraft tournament finals in Korea have a mandatory K-Pop performance before the games.
I learned later that SNSD had performed at once of these games once in 2008.
They performed Kissing You
and Girls' Generation
Unfortunately, I had only started watching Starcraft live tournaments in 2010 and missed them
So the first k-pop performance I saw...
It was KARA! At first I was a big flabbergasted, but by some
strange force I found myself continuously coming back to watching
and listening to this.
Back on the Starcraft forums I lurk on, netizens were discussing about this k-pop performance. Someone had posted a music video of Secret's "I Want You Back". I instantly started liking this song as well, and started looking for both KARA and Secret songs ^^
Now, fast forward a couple months later, there was a Group Selection Ceremony for the next season of a Starcraft league. Here, they do a bunch of fun interviews with the players. One of the questions they asked at this interview was "What is your ideal girl?" There were a HUGE number of players who mentioned "Yuri from SNSD". At the time, my curiousity was slightly piqued.
I decided to search SNSD on youtube. The first video on the list was Chocolate Love... so I watched this video and, well, somehow I just wasn't interested. At first, I was thinking "wow, too many girls, how am I supposed to know who is who!?" The song wasn't very catchy, and overall, I don't think the video expressed the girls' images well enough. Or maybe, Sunny just wasn't shown enough in this video! (read on and you'll see why this might be a huge factor...)
So a few days later, I was at a friend's house. At around this time he started introducing me to J-Dramas, and I had quite an interest in them, so we were searching a database for some that he can transfer to me via external hard drive. He had also introduced me to some j-pop boy bands. I thought they were cool, but I wondered about girl bands, and so I asked. He explained to me that the pop girl groups are somewhat scarce in Japan, but Korea has a much bigger pop girl group scene. I recalled the name "SNSD" almost immediately, and asked him, "Oh, so I've heard of some k-pop groups, and I heard SNSD is really big." He mentioned that he knew about SNSD and also liked them to an extent. The topic ended abruptly. However, the thought still lingered in the back of my mind...
Then it came. As I was browsing my Starcraft forums, someone started a thread called "One girl a day", posting one photo of an asian girl each day. Naturally, I followed this thread and one of the days he posted this image.

I thought to myself... wow, she's quite gorgeous...
And I scrolled down to the comments, then I learned... this was the infamous Yuri of SNSD.
Now my curiousity was engaged.
I did another search on Youtube for SNSD.
This time, it was the Gee video that was surfaced first.
Then I watched the Gee Video...
I was instantly hooked. On my first watch, I thought... wow, that was... cool... I need to watch that again.
And so I watched again, and again, trying to point out the diffrent girls (at the time I had a lot of trouble figuring out which girl was who). Of course, the only girl I knew at this point was Yuri so I was looking for her on each cut.
I'm not sure how many views I had made before I finally noticed this amazing girl.

I couldn't take my eyes off these few frames. Who is this gorgeous beauty!?
Well... the rest is history
As I continued to follow SNSD from that day forward, I learned to like each of the members more and more. However, I'm afraid I'll eternally be a Sunshiner ^^
I think it would be appropriate to begin with my discovery of K-pop. Yes, SNSD wasn't the first K-pop I was exposed to. Believe it or not, my first taste of K-pop was through Starcraft... For those of you who don't know, Starcraft tournament finals in Korea have a mandatory K-Pop performance before the games.
I learned later that SNSD had performed at once of these games once in 2008.
They performed Kissing You
and Girls' Generation
Unfortunately, I had only started watching Starcraft live tournaments in 2010 and missed them

So the first k-pop performance I saw...
It was KARA! At first I was a big flabbergasted, but by some
strange force I found myself continuously coming back to watching
and listening to this.
Back on the Starcraft forums I lurk on, netizens were discussing about this k-pop performance. Someone had posted a music video of Secret's "I Want You Back". I instantly started liking this song as well, and started looking for both KARA and Secret songs ^^
Now, fast forward a couple months later, there was a Group Selection Ceremony for the next season of a Starcraft league. Here, they do a bunch of fun interviews with the players. One of the questions they asked at this interview was "What is your ideal girl?" There were a HUGE number of players who mentioned "Yuri from SNSD". At the time, my curiousity was slightly piqued.
I decided to search SNSD on youtube. The first video on the list was Chocolate Love... so I watched this video and, well, somehow I just wasn't interested. At first, I was thinking "wow, too many girls, how am I supposed to know who is who!?" The song wasn't very catchy, and overall, I don't think the video expressed the girls' images well enough. Or maybe, Sunny just wasn't shown enough in this video! (read on and you'll see why this might be a huge factor...)
So a few days later, I was at a friend's house. At around this time he started introducing me to J-Dramas, and I had quite an interest in them, so we were searching a database for some that he can transfer to me via external hard drive. He had also introduced me to some j-pop boy bands. I thought they were cool, but I wondered about girl bands, and so I asked. He explained to me that the pop girl groups are somewhat scarce in Japan, but Korea has a much bigger pop girl group scene. I recalled the name "SNSD" almost immediately, and asked him, "Oh, so I've heard of some k-pop groups, and I heard SNSD is really big." He mentioned that he knew about SNSD and also liked them to an extent. The topic ended abruptly. However, the thought still lingered in the back of my mind...
Then it came. As I was browsing my Starcraft forums, someone started a thread called "One girl a day", posting one photo of an asian girl each day. Naturally, I followed this thread and one of the days he posted this image.

I thought to myself... wow, she's quite gorgeous...
And I scrolled down to the comments, then I learned... this was the infamous Yuri of SNSD.
Now my curiousity was engaged.
I did another search on Youtube for SNSD.
This time, it was the Gee video that was surfaced first.
Then I watched the Gee Video...
I was instantly hooked. On my first watch, I thought... wow, that was... cool... I need to watch that again.
And so I watched again, and again, trying to point out the diffrent girls (at the time I had a lot of trouble figuring out which girl was who). Of course, the only girl I knew at this point was Yuri so I was looking for her on each cut.
I'm not sure how many views I had made before I finally noticed this amazing girl.

I couldn't take my eyes off these few frames. Who is this gorgeous beauty!?
Well... the rest is history

As I continued to follow SNSD from that day forward, I learned to like each of the members more and more. However, I'm afraid I'll eternally be a Sunshiner ^^
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 286
- Profile Views 7711
- Member Title Sunny <3
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday May 24, 1988
Video Games
Video Game Design
Video Game Programming
Watching K-Dramas
SNSD's Sunny ^^ -
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Canada (CA)