Member Since 17 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Feb 28 2020 12:39 PM
About Me
In advance, I'm sorry for so many pics on my About Me page
Reasons you're probably looking at my profile:
- You're my friend.
- You're one of my readers.
- You're a stalker.
- I stalked your profile.
Well, for which ever reason...Hi! Yes, I have been changing my 'About Me' page several times now...But whatever
You know, I've always believed that you should like chat with me or something if you wanna get to know me. But I thought again and some of my buddies at school sometimes ask me, "Are you Chinese?" and I'm just like, "NO! I'm Viet, get your facts right!!!" So now I think I should actually put some basic facts on my 'About Me' page lol.
DOB: October 23rd, 1994
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Height: 5'1'' (I know, I'm short Dx)
Hobbies: Singing and Dancing, Listening to music, Cracking jokes, and Annoying my middle sister
Random Info: I'm arachnophobic, if I see a spider (Not matter the size) I scream and try to get someone else to kill it. If I can't get someone to kill it, I drop a book like as thick as an Encyclopedia on it.
Sig Cr: nutternut<-- (Yuri Banner)
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 281
- Profile Views 6920
- Member Title Duckie Squad
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday October 23, 1994
Behind you!
Music is my life.
Favorite SoShi Member
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United States (US)