Member Since 13 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Aug 09 2011 03:23 AM
I am so loving pink subs these days
Updated 02 Dec · 0 comments
About Me
Hi! Welcome!
First of all, I did not know SNSD at first but since my classmates are dancing and singing to SNSD's Gee and Oh I decided to watch their music video. The moment I saw their pretty and cute faces I became a fan. I don't have a favorite SNSD member because I love them all. I was puzzled at first because they all sort of look the same. As time passed by I got familiar with their faces, I'm able to recognize whose voice is whose and I fell for their charms. I enjoy watching their subbed videos as they were really funny and they cheer me up when I'm feeling low. Right now my classmates and I have already graduated and will miss each other. I still miss the times where we sing a long to SNSD songs or even memorize their choreography. SNSD is the reason why we are bonded. Forever 9! SNSD Hwaiting!
First of all, I did not know SNSD at first but since my classmates are dancing and singing to SNSD's Gee and Oh I decided to watch their music video. The moment I saw their pretty and cute faces I became a fan. I don't have a favorite SNSD member because I love them all. I was puzzled at first because they all sort of look the same. As time passed by I got familiar with their faces, I'm able to recognize whose voice is whose and I fell for their charms. I enjoy watching their subbed videos as they were really funny and they cheer me up when I'm feeling low. Right now my classmates and I have already graduated and will miss each other. I still miss the times where we sing a long to SNSD songs or even memorize their choreography. SNSD is the reason why we are bonded. Forever 9! SNSD Hwaiting!
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- Member Title I hearts SNSD
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- Birthday April 7
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