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Member Since 31 May 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2014 05:46 PM
못 살아.. 도와줘 ~ ㅠㅠ Updated 10 Jan · 0 comments

About Me

소원여러분, 안녕~! I'm Eunice. Most people in real life have no idea about this about me, but I'm truly a hardcore fangirl and I fangirl all day err day for snsd. But of course, you SONES of the internet would already have known that.

Other names I go by: 은미/Eunmi, Euni, Peunice (only close friends call me this lol)
Hobbies/Interests: dancing, language, drawing/painting, fashion, cooking, astronomy, music in general, travelling, sleeping <3, eating, fangirling/spazzing, swimming, oh um 소녀시대.
How I became a SONE: Prior to me being a SONE, I was actually a hardcore Wonderful (still am one, just not so hardcore lol). The Wonder Girls and SNSD had their special stage back in 2008, and when the Wonder Girls performed Kissing You and SNSD performed Tell Me, I was just blown away by SNSD. However, I wasn't a hardcore fan until my cousin showed me their show, Hello Baby on my birthday. One episode, and that was it. I was completely head over heels for these girls. It was the beginning of a precious and beautiful journey with these nine angels for me. A beginning of countless sleepless nights staying up for their performances, the endless laughter, endless aegyo and cuteness overload, severe spazz attacks from their beauty, sharing the occasional tears and plenty of hardships that the girls go through, full-on support, etc., and of course a beginning of a new, wonderful, amazing family with you SONEs. Probably the best birthday present I've ever received--the gift of having these nine beautiful, dorky angels become a part of my life. Honestly.
Favorite member: Sooyoung. Yoona, Tiffany, and Taeyeon are like right under. Recently it's been changing a lot though, they're just all too lovable I can't :(
Pairings I ship: OT9. But I really, really love YoonYul, TaeNy, and JeTi. And then Sooyoung with like, anyone. Oh my god.
Aside from SNSD, I also love: Wonder Girls, Big Bang, CN Blue, T-ara, f(x), Miss A, SHINee, Super Junior + plenty of others.

personal blog and/or kpop blog

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I love you 9 precious angels.

지금은 아프로도 영원히 소녀시대.

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  • Group Soshified
  • Active Posts 64
  • Profile Views 5107
  • Member Title SoshiHoney
  • Age 30 years old
  • Birthday April 9, 1994
  • Gender
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  • Location
    Long Beach, CA
  • Favorite SoShi Member
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