Member Since 31 May 2010Offline Last Active Aug 03 2012 05:26 PM
The Power of our "Dear Ice Princess" ^^ www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP7qydVl6-A&feature=related
Updated 29 Jan · 0 comments
About Me
i like to write stories basing from my friends or inspiration i get from people or events. i Love SNSD!!! i also like to draw and took pictures of different places that had a scenic view or draw anime or manga. i guess you can call me an otaku since i like anime and manga also playing games. i'm a cheerful and energetic if i'm with my friends and people i know but when it came to people i just met or didn't know i'm all shy and quiet. i'm kinda short in height ah hehe *kinda embarassed*. i like to make new friends so please don't hesitate to add me X3. um..........if there anything you like to know about me please don't hesitate to ask me!! and sorry this is the only thing i can think about *bow down* i guess i'll end here for now *smiles*
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 242
- Profile Views 4094
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday October 1, 1994
Drawing,reading,listening to musics(K-pop,J-pop and english songs),SNSD,Making friends,Photography,Anime,manga,Games,Sports and other more ^^
Favorite SoShi Member
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