Member Since 15 May 2010Offline Last Active May 22 2010 07:20 PM
the power of nine! :D
Updated 22 May · 0 comments
About Me
Hi Soshified and all of the SNSD fan!!
well, Im new here.. But I like SNSD before i knew this Forums
Btw, I'm from Indonesia and I'm 13 years old
just an 13 years old ordinary girl, hahaha
Beside that my hobby are reading comics and novel, dance and also play violin! xD
well, I'm not violin pro's at all. Just play it for hobby, but at least I can play and enjoyed it

My friends told me that I'm good at dance, but I think I still have to do some practice. Especially for the power!
I really like looking people dance from about 6 years old, but I directly jump to the dance world at 12 years old. Anyway, I go in the modern dance way..
Maybe you guys are rare looking me around in this forum,
because all the school work and project are buried me..
Uuuh, there are a lot of them!
Too much school work

Well to tell you guys about my personality,
I'm Virgo and I really love to dance, as I said it's my hobby
to talk about colour, I like dark purple
maybe it's a widow colour, but I like it really much x)
And that's it, I already told my personality to all of you
Ah! One more, my dream is to be a traveling reporter
I like to perform / saying something in front of many people

Ok, that's all.. Hope we meet in the forum! xD

Community Stats
- Group Rookies
- Active Posts 0
- Profile Views 2746
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 28 years old
- Birthday August 24, 1996
Indonesia, Serpong - Tangerang
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Indonesia (ID)