Member Since 13 May 2010Offline Last Active Aug 08 2013 02:33 PM
Hey if anyone is interested I need help on my blog. Check it out and let me know if you want to help me out!
Updated 17 Jan · 0 comments
About Me
Well I guess the most appropriate thing to put here would be how I found, and later came to love our soshi girls. I was spending a lot of time on youtube watching music videos of one kind or another. I usually just ignore the recommended for you list on the front page because it usually just routs me to a video I have absolutely no interest in. But then one day I decided to check one of the videos out. It was an SNSD video, (I think it was the video for OH! though I could defiantly be wrong) and I liked it. So I followed the links to the next video, and the next one and so on. I am now watching as many videos as I can get my hands on. I am also getting weird looks from friends and family but hey, it is worth it.
If you have any recommendations for videos pleas feel free to post them on my page. My favorite series so far has been the Horror Movie Factory.
Hey check out my intro thread here:
If you have any recommendations for videos pleas feel free to post them on my page. My favorite series so far has been the Horror Movie Factory.
Hey check out my intro thread here:
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 78
- Profile Views 4725
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 37 years old
- Birthday February 6, 1988
So Nyuh Shi Dae. Need I say More.
I actually have two favorite members but the drop down will only let me choose one so to be fair I will post both here.
Tiffany and Sunny -
Favorite SoShi Member
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