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Member Since 05 May 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2023 06:05 AM
if u can't be a pencil to write someone's happiness...then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness... Updated 11 Feb · 0 comments

About Me

I'm just an ordinary people...  ^^


~ la vie est un choix ~

The Strong Of Soul Forgive,
And It Is Honor In The Injured To Forgive ~ Khalil Gibran

Blessed Are They Who Remember Their Pain,
And In Their Pain Await Their Joy ~ Khalil Gibran

Love is a thing, well it's a bit like QUICKSAND,
the more you WRIGGLE..the deeper you SINK,
and when it HITS you..you've just got to FALL ~ Anonymous

Happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp,
but which, if you will sit down quietly may a light upon you ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

it is better to be hated for what you are
than to be loved for what you are not ~ Andre Gide

Love is Promise...
Love is Souvenir...
once given never forgotten,
never let it disappear ~ John Lennon

Friend Quotes
You are...
My Friend, My Companion,
Through good times and bad times...
You are...
My Friend, My Buddy,
Through happy and sad...
Beside me you stand,
Beside me you walk...
You're there to listen,
You're there to talk...
With happiness,
With smiles,
With pain and tears...
I know you'll be there,
Throughout the years...
Because I know,
That friendship isn't about...
Whom you have known the longest..
Who came first.. or
Who cares the best..
But, friendship it's about...
Who Came..
And Never Left...

That's why people say,
Sometimes Tears more special than Smiles,
Do you know why??
Because Smiles can be given to Anyone,
But Tears is only shared with people we don't wanna lose...
And people also say,
Not every flower can represent love..
But..ROSES do...
Not every tree can stand thirsty..
But..CACTUS do...
Not every person can be a true friend..
But..YOU do...
My Life is Precious when I shared someone like You...
So, Thank You For Always Be My Best Friend...

when life get you down and nothing seems to go your way,
remember you always have a friend

have someone who is always there for us is a blessing,
so don't ever squander it...
because you never know how much you appreciate someone until you lose them...

the truly painfully goodbyes are the ones that never said and never explained…

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